Anyone know anything about this guy - he’s another universalist I was going to add to the names list?
His followers, who call themselves BTers (Bible Truthers) are often quite zealous. I believe following in his style, but yes he is a believer in UR.
I checked him and his web site out a couple of years ago. I was very disturbed by his stance of all events being God’s doing. Also his personality seemed very sarcastic. So too many alarm bells went off for me…
I really liked the man. As far as I am concerned, he is probably the closest person to my view on Christian Universalism. If you are an Orthordox (meaning American Orthodox) Christian, of course he is going to creep you out, because everything you believe besides Jesus Christ is going to be turned upside down. I love how he destroys 23-minutes in hell. In fact, his Q&A was so awesome. It really opened my eyes on some new thoughts regarding Jesus Christ and some things in the Bible. Some of the best logic I learned was from him. One example:
Sure, he was sarcastic, but his Q&A is one of the best I have ever read… I learned so much, because many of the same stupid questions I had…