“If you have to use the fear of hell to get people into the Kingdom, then in a sense, doesn’t hell become your “gospel”? If hell is the most powerful motivating factor for getting people saved, then I say that those people are not really saved after all because they are only being manipulated into something out of fear and duty, not love, faith, and desire” (Raising Hell: Christianity’s Most Controversial Doctrine Put Under Fire, pg. 36).
“…[O]ne day I realized that, if Hell is really true, and God is actually losing most of his creation to evil and darkness, you could say that good is overcome, and darkness overtakes light. Ultimately, Satan wins the tug-of-war over creation, and God loses. What a terrifying thought - how did I ever get through life with such a fatalistic view?” (Raising Hell: Christianity’s Most Controversial Doctrine Put Under Fire, pg. 57).
“What child in the world would ever believe (without adult influence) that a loving parent would create a fearful place of torment, and then endlessly abandon His children there to punish them in response to a limited duration of unbelief or rebellion, or for choices made from ignorance, distortions, deceptions, or bad influences? My educated, reasoned belief is zero” (Raising Hell: Christianity’s Most Controversial Doctrine Put Under Fire, pg. 6).
(I asked for her birth year just now)
Julie Ferwerda is recognized for making the Bible exciting and relevant to everyday life through her writing. She has authored several inspirational books and articles, helping people of all ages along their faith journey. Learn more at JulieFerwerda.com or RaisingHellBook.com.