The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Manford and Sweeney on Universalism

Friend of mine, not a convert to UR, forwards this link (he knows I’m UR) which he got from another friend.
Does anyone know of this book??? It’s circa 1870… and sounds interesting… … =6#PPP2,M1


Edited to add by JRP: I fixed the link, Bob. Clicking on it should take the reader to the pdf copy of the book at Google Books, which I’ve tested. The book is, in effect, a transcript of an oral debate held on Universal Salvation and Endless Punishment. From the little I’ve read, the style of discourse is quite fine. :slight_smile: We should be very thankful to Bob and his non-UR friend for the link! {bow!})

Thanks for cleaning up that link Jason.
I read some of it and it really does sound a bit different from the way we talk now.
Very interesting nonetheless.
