By faith we understand that the worlds were exactly formed by the word of God , so that the visible objects were not made out of things which now appear. Hebrews 11:3
The word here refers to all that exists (universe). It uses the plural “worlds” to speak of many worlds. I take this to be a reference to the multiverse. With the multiverse we can resolve Bible contradictions or paradoxes. Few enter the narrow gate yet the whole world is reconciled. The world is this universe and all are reconciled and make it to heaven in the this cosmos. Yet when we take into consideration the multiverse few find eternal life. People will be tormented forever. These are those that have a complete awareness of Christ and the evidence is certain of who Christ is and there is a rejection and hatred of holiness. This is the blasphemy of the Spirit as those who hate the holy reject the eternal God -Man. They commit the eternal hardness. All are reconciled in our world (cosmos) though. This is just one of the contradictions the multiverse solves from the Bible. There are many others in the Gospels and the rest of the Bible including the two different creation accounts in Genesis one and two. The multiverse or parallel universes or many worlds solves all Biblical contradictions showing that the Bible comes from another dimension and is indeed inspired.