The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Merry Christmas

Another year has gone by my friend
Yes, Christmas time has arrived again
With more joy and happiness this year
Less sorrow and pain but happy cheer
With friends that know and care about me
Gifts that surround the Christmas tree
But it hasn’t always been this way
When times were bad every single day
But through the pain you were always there
Even when there was no one who cared
For through it all I can say I was loved
Peaceful memories that I can think of
So, glory to Christ for this day that is dear
Merry Christmas to all and happy new year! :smiley:


Well done, Cole :slight_smile:

And I’m very, very glad you’re having a great Christmas!

I love you Cindy! :smiley:

Merry Christmas everyone! This will be my first Christmas since the passing of my mom, and my paternal grandmother into glory. They are part of that angelic hosts proclaiming the arrival of our Lord. Let us recommit ourselves in this season to the liberating, and subversive revolution we call the Kingdom of God- proclaiming release of captives, binding up the brokenhearted, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, giving drink the thirsty, visiting the imprisoned, loving the unlovable, forgiving the unforgivable and widening the welcome of Jesus’ welcome table. The ways of the kingdom are God’s peace and prosperity not Rome’s. Glory hallelujah!
