The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Mind-Blowing Revivals Beginning in the 20th Century

No videos I have ever posted on any website are nearly as important to me as (1)-(6) posted below. No word in the English language has been more watered down and more treated as a vacuous jargon term than “revival.” Yet the dramatic decline in western Christianity in recent decades leaves “the real thing” our only hope of widespread renewal. Though in the real thing, the Holy Spirit falls on Christians, what makes real revival unique (as in the Welsh Revival of 1904-1906 and the Hebrides Revival of 1949-1954) is the sudden massive outpouring of the Spirit on many thousands of unchurched people who have no interest in conversion or spiritual renewal! To me, the revivals discussed in the 6 videos are more persuasive evidence of the existence of a personal God than any healing miracles.

In my experience, evangelicals are not interested in watching such videos either because they are not particularly interested in revival or because they don’t believe there are any keys to igniting revival. Their misguided apathy is exposed by the spectacular use God made of seemingly insignificant ordinary Christians to spark the revivals explored in the videos. Few, if any Christians are willing to pay the price that these holy souls paid for revival.

(1) Evan Roberts was a young, emotionally unstable Welsh coal miner with little formal education. In the first video, J. Edwin Orr, an expert on revivals, lectures on how the famous Welsh revival exploded through Roberts’ faithful quest that led to the conversion of 100,000 Welsh people in just 4-5 months!…

(2) The 2nd video is a documentary based on Roberts’ diary of his faith journey. It has photos of the churches, of Roberts, and of the young women who were at the revival’s center. The revival often featured unstructured spontaneous services that lasted until hours after midnight. A couple of hymns featured in the revival are sung on the video:…

(3) The Welsh Revival spread all over the world. Its American manifestation was the “Azusa Street Revival” that began in 1906 in which William Seymour, the son of a Black slave, was a central figure. Given the eventual global multiplication of Charismatic/ Pentecostal Christians into hundreds of millions, it can be argued that Seymour is the most spiritually effective African American who ever lived. Here is a documentary on the faith journey that allowed Seymour to give miraculous birth the global Pentecostal movement:…

(4) The 4th video features Duncan Campbell, the Scottish Presbyterian minister, whom God used in the Hebrides Revival of 1949-1954. The video highlights the catalytic role of the Smith sisters, 2 women in their mid-80s, one of whom was blind and the other crippled! A couple of years ago, I worked with a Spokane pastor on a tiny house village project. He mentioned to me that his Dad (blind like Peggy Smith!) joined Duncan Campbell in regular prayer intercession for Scottish revival shortly before the outpouring of the Spirit began. Be patient with Campbell’s preachy tone:…

(5) George Otis, Jr. is likely the most well-informed expert on 21st century revivals. His research includes several DVD documentaries of the greatest outpourings of the Holy Spirit today, especially in Third World countries. Our region has recently hosted 2 highly successful interdenominational 4-day revival workshops sponsored by Otis’s "Sentinel Group. This lecture will blow your mind!…

(6) In his posted lecture, Otis discusses the spectacular recent Fiji Islands Revival and the many eyewitnesses that he interviewed. For an amazing inspirational documentary on this spectacular revival, watch this video:


No topic on this site is even remotely as timely and as important as authentic earth-shattering revivals. By their lack of interest in how God moves in massive life-transforming ways, posters unintentionally reveal their indifference to their need for more of God in their lives. Nothing is more important than the secrets of what prompts God to move in such massive spectacular ways. Below J. Edwin Orr dramatically surveys the spiritual conditions that created the need for the First Great Awakening that transformed both Britain and America:…+edwin+orr+the+first+great+awakening+youtube&view=detail&mid=496FABC48A2378B01814496FABC48A2378B01814&FORM=VIRE

Very interesting. I don’t know quite what to make of it, though as my first church experience when I was 16, was in the AOG, I’m familiar with the Azusa Street Revival.

Sadly, what we mostly hear about are the over-enthusiastic excesses of various movements; some movements are obviously centered on a person’s charisma whether godly or not, and some are obviously crowd-psychology maneuvering.
OTOH a genuine move of God is always to be desired.