The Evangelical Universalist Forum

My review of "Four Views on Hell: 2nd Ed"

I think it will be a significant contribution to the Evangelical discussion! I look forward to reading and reviewing it :slight_smile:

In this post is some new information (at least for me) on olam that I came across :slight_smile:

Sheep, kids, worship, and fire. A fair bit on kolasis too.

Separation? Destruction? Annihilation?

Sodom & Gomorrah, Jerusalem 70AD, hell today, forever?

Revelation’s Universalist postscripts. God as the Surgeon, Gardener, and Metallurgist purifying all nations.

Universalist postscript: Kings of the Earth―rebels who come out of the Lake of Fire & into Book of Life!

Some of my thoughts on what motivated God to create us and what He intended our purpose to be. I think these are important questions as they influence the rest of our worldview, our theology, and even our actions.

Should we fear God? How urgent is evangelism? Is the Hell debate settled? Was Augustine right?

I think Stackhouse’s response is excellent!

He breaks it down under into following sections:

  • Methodological Concerns
  • Two Destinies?
  • Eternal?
  • Thinking Biblically
  • Rejoicing in Damnation?
  • The Happiness of the Redeemed
  • The Parable

I particularly liked Walls concern with the Burk’s view of justice and love in relation to ECT.

I’m really enjoying your review, thanks.

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Thanks for taking the time to read it and for the encouragement! God willing, one day I’ll be in a position to review the other chapters too… :grinning: