The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Naked Calvinism: my case against reformed theology

By cleverly redefining words and mastering rhetoric, many Calvinist apologists have managed to make reformed theology (a synonym for Calvinism) look like a respectable Christian position.

I wrote quite a few blog posts for countering this and showing to the world the** true face of Calvinism**, once all the clothing and coating has been stripped away.

My refutation is organized as follows.

First of all, I explained (for lay persons) what Calvinism is while using a striking example.

Second, I explained my methodology and what precise events have pushed me to start this series of posts.

Third, I show that one cannot find the curse of a sinful nature within the next of Genesis, which is strange because the author(s) would certainly have expressed it clearly if they bought it.

Fourth, I show there is url=] no difference between single and double predestination.

Fifth, I explain why this idea of “secret will of God” contradicting his revealed will is profoundly blasphemous.

Sixth, I show that Calvinist abhorrent doctrines push them to adopt a specific form presupositionalism denying any kind of common ground with non-Calvinists.

Seventh, I report a vision ofreformed preacher Mark Driscoll in front of the doorways towards heaven and hell :smiley:

Eight, I interviewed Arminian philosopher Jerry Walls on predestination.

More will follow as time goes by :wink:

I hope you’ll enjoy it (or at the very least feel utterly terrified like after having watched a good horror movie).

And you’re warmly encouraged to criticize (or enhance!) my arguments at any time :smiley:

I cannot help but think of Calvinism as a horrendous blasphemy whose stench should be erased from the face of the earth.

I just cannot accept that any kind of unity is possible with people believing that God predetermined countless babies to be eternally tortured.

That response piece to the Jerry Walls interview by rigorousfaith is mind-blowingly infuriating. As soon as someone defends the detestable nature of Calvinism by saying the ‘goodness’ of God is measured completely differently to how we measure the goodness of another human being, then it’s not worth taking any of their views too seriously. To say God can do anything and still be called good is the highest level of evilness in my opinion - there’s innumerable consequences of believing such a thing. Such an opinion is not worth anything but disdain. It’s absolutely incredible to me that people can believe such a thing.

Yeah, it is truly infuriating!

Actually, I have recently had a fight with fundies on facebook.

I told them that God is perfect and therefore NOT arbitrary and cannot forbid homosexuality or kill children just according to his good pleasure.

There must be underlying reasons.

The fundies denied that, and said that whatever God does IS good.

Another wrote: “God is not arbitrary because if He forbids something, it is always through His perfect will.”

This sentence would be really hilarious if it weren’t meant seriously.

In other words, God is not arbitrary because when He is arbitrary, it is** by definition** not arbitrary.

Theistic voluntarism (the idea that God defines good and evil) has been the main root of religious violence and atrocities.

I’m really delighted to read your thoughts, Jonny.

Would it look like a shameless proposition if I invited you to comment much more often on my blog? :wink:

Cheers from Lancashire!

Haha :smiley:

I see you’ve put up an interview with Peter Enns :slight_smile: Will definitely be listening to that

Jonny - we universalists on Marc’s site should introduce ourselves as members of his loyal opposition IMHO :laughing: . I always do so now. Marc is a annihilationist you see and he knows that I sometimes think he wants to annihilate the two extremes of the spectrum of disputants he attracts on/to his site - well I’m pretty sure he does think this sometimes :laughing: Not to my eschatological tastes - but he’s a friend and I admire his pluck - and he’s doing some excellent interviews.