By cleverly redefining words and mastering rhetoric, many Calvinist apologists have managed to make reformed theology (a synonym for Calvinism) look like a respectable Christian position.
I wrote quite a few blog posts for countering this and showing to the world the** true face of Calvinism**, once all the clothing and coating has been stripped away.
My refutation is organized as follows.
First of all, I explained (for lay persons) what Calvinism is while using a striking example.
Second, I explained my methodology and what precise events have pushed me to start this series of posts.
Third, I show that one cannot find the curse of a sinful nature within the next of Genesis, which is strange because the author(s) would certainly have expressed it clearly if they bought it.
Fourth, I show there is url=] no difference between single and double predestination.
Fifth, I explain why this idea of “secret will of God” contradicting his revealed will is profoundly blasphemous.
Sixth, I show that Calvinist abhorrent doctrines push them to adopt a specific form presupositionalism denying any kind of common ground with non-Calvinists.
Seventh, I report a vision ofreformed preacher Mark Driscoll in front of the doorways towards heaven and hell
Eight, I interviewed Arminian philosopher Jerry Walls on predestination.
More will follow as time goes by
I hope you’ll enjoy it (or at the very least feel utterly terrified like after having watched a good horror movie).