The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Non-Christian friends seem to want to read "Love Wins"

Yesterday, a non-Christian work colleague asked me what I got for my birthday.

I said, “A book” :slight_smile:
She said, “What’s it called”.
I said, “Love Wins”
She said, “What’s that about?”

Anyway, I explained it a bit and asked whether she would be interested in reading it when I had finished? She said, “Sure!”

Today, another non-Christian work colleague came up to me and handed me a filer which someone had given her randomly on the street. It said “God love you!” and explained the basic Christian message. She said she had read it and wondered what she needed to be saved from? Anyway, after a 20 minute conversation about God, sin, death, resurrection, etc. She said she had found my #agape series on Twitter/FaceBook very interesting, so I said, “Would you be interested in reading “Love Wins”?”
She said, “Sure!”

Wow! It’s uncanny how often this kind of thing has been happening to me lately. Unfortunately, I only have 3 copies of “Love Wins”, 1 dad is reading, 1 Shell is reading & 1 that another friend is borrowing tomorrow!

Frustratingly the local Christian bookshop won’t stock it :angry: , so I think I’ll need to order many more (10??) off Amazon.

Awesomeness! :smiley:

I almost recommend they start with chapter 5 and finish out from there; then go back and do the preceding chapters.

Sadly, I have never felt comfortable suggesting or inviting people to “go to church” (afraid they will be hurt by the pharisaism, I think).

It feels really good to finally have “GOOD news” to recommend to people!

When I was on vacation, I got talking to a fellow in the pool who was a black homosexual and felt nothing but condemnation from Christians. He seemed extremely interested and open to “Love Wins”, said he would pick it up for his Nook.

ANOTHER crazy thing happened today. I was visiting one of the other practices (I’m an IT Manager for an Optometrist, with 8 practices) and out of the blue, one of the staff came up to me and said, “Please can I borrow Love Wins after Mary finishes reading it?” (I had only given it to Mary, who works at another practice, a few hours before!) :astonished:

I really hope my work colleagues become Christians, although as you say Gem, I don’t know where I would recommend they go! Maybe I’ll have to host church at my house again…

Note: I’m using the name Mary, which isn’t her real name, to protect her privacy.

That’s great to hear Alex! Love Wins is probably the best resource we have to give to non-Christians.


Alex, that’s really exciting about Bell’s book meaning so much to people! It’s always my dilemma too about where to instruct people to attend church because they are going to get an entirely different paradigm there. I like your idea of creating a house church. I wish we could come and do it with you. Maybe if my dad gets the boot from SS here we could start one too!