The Evangelical Universalist Forum

One of the world's largest Anglican seminaries engages EU

In this post I start engaging with Williamson’s last lecture, which includes his critique of Robin Parry’s case for Evangelical Universalism:
—Should Christians rejoice in the prospect of hell for others?
—Will God allow evil to exist forever?
—Is Isaiah 45:23 subjugation?
—Does the OT envisage salvation of individuals?
—Does the OT support universalism?

Thanks Alex for bringing this to our attention.
I live in Sydney, and it is refreshing to hear a Moore college lecturer engaging in a kind manner with those whom he disagrees about the nature of hell.
He even states that those who believe in EU, CI or purgatory may still be fellow believers and even evangelical!
I pray that this attitude may filter through to others in the Moore College mould.

No probs, thanks for the thanks, it’s very encouraging to hear that my blog is of some use :slight_smile:

Yes, it was very refreshing!


As Williamson says aionios is a big problem for Robin Parry and Tom Talbott’s Evangelical Universalism, I’ve summarised 5 approaches that hopefully show you it actually isn’t.

“Regeneration, or New Creation, encompasses much more than individual Christians or even the people of God collectively. Jesus is alluding to something much more extensive when He anticipates renewal of all things”, says Williamson as he describes the New Creation. He goes on to say it’s, “the restoration of all things”, “a vision of cosmic redemption and salvation”, “a new Eden”, “not in the sense of obliteration and replacement but in the sense of purging and renewal … creation renovated or renewed, a radical transformation”!

And, as far as I can tell, he makes no case for either diminishing the scope of the renewal/restoration or the “all things”, so it’s really hard to understand why he doesn’t become a Universalist?? I’ve tried to highlight that as I’ve engaged with his comments in this post :slight_smile:

I also discuss why the close proximity of the unsaved to God, and those already saved, enables the healing of each and every severed/discordant relationship so that once again everything can enjoy the harmony of Eden and the cessation of evil.