Davo, I’m surprised you appear so unable to comprehend how confusing your rhetoric and MM’s has been! It appears you are so biased toward the pantelist system you developed that you cannot grasp how anyone else may read the Bible or hear your language.
Your view that God had to condemn us for another man, Adam’s mistake, makes little sense to me. So stating that you only declared that Jesus rescued us from the guilt of Adam’s offense is not an issue I found relevant.
I regret that you again can’t resist the “bluntness” of despising my own “academic knowhow” and my stubbornly “inept” intellect. But I’m glad that you do not challenge my affirmations that God’s condemnation or “His wrath toward our own ongoing transgressions that destroys his loving purpose for our lives” needs to be faced, and that " the cross leaves us still in need of seeking forgiveness for our transgressions."
Perhaps we then can unite on calling sinners to turn to faith in Christ and to repentance for the forgiveness of their sins and rebellion