I would be interested in Davo’s background…before he came to (or “discovered”, whatever the case may be) - the system of Pantelism. Was he a Full Preterist - for example? Then took Full Preterism, to its logical conclusion - Pantelism?
Before Mary Baker Eddy formulated Christian Science, she had experienced some supernatural healings. Then she formulated a system of theology - Christian Science… to share the healing method with others.
Unfortunately, she dismisses the discoveries of modern medicine and science…As well as established healing methods, of the indigenous people (AKA Native Americans) and others.
The key question also remains…what do we do now? For Christian Science, there are practitioners and teachers - to guide folks. Not that I embrace, their non-orthodox theology - mind you. But there are professionals to guide folks. Even for outsiders like me, who embrace Anglo-Orthodoxy;.
Even those embracing the Zombie Apocalypse , as the method of Christian tribulation…use simple and melodramatic YouTube videos…to get their message across.
Perhaps if Pantelism ever grows an audience,… then they would have others, to teach this theological path. It kind of reminds me, when I was hanging out…at the Liberal Catholic Church, for a year or so. Someone mentions that they have the clergy. Now they just need to get a congregation.
What could we do? If we don’t have any theological, or philosophical ethical considerations - to deal with? I wonder?