It seems pretty clear to me that He WILL come, both in the clouds of His people His ekklesia; and in the clouds of the literal heavens – as in the blue sky we see above. If He is truly risen in His own physical body (though changed), then I think we must logically expect Him to truly come in His own physical body in His own physical heavens amongst either physical clouds, or the clouds of His people previously called to Him, or both.
I don’t mean at all to be rude to or to discount the sincerity of our brothers and sisters who see exclusively a spiritual fulfillment of this prophecy. The spiritual is after all more real than the physical. But if the physical is destined to disappear, then it must disappear for all of us. (Which I don’t see as being according to scripture.) Even then I think we may yet expect Jesus to return in some tangible fashion, as a discrete person, recognizable to all as Jesus, the son of David, the son of Jessie, the son of Adam, the Son of God.
If we don’t believe this, then everything (for me) starts to unravel. If Jesus will not return physically, then the next question is whether He was in fact raised physically – or was He rather raised only spiritually, in the hearts of His ekklesia? And if His return from the dead is not as a physical and discrete person, can we expect that our own return from the dead will be as physical and discrete persons? Perhaps we will live on in the ekklesia also, as He is said to do, and not as discrete and conscious persons. If so, our hope of seeing our deceased loved ones is vain, and neither will anyone else see us, except in the eyes of our loved ones. And if that is the case, and there is no resurrection of the dead, no separation of the ages from one another, is there truly any change at all? Or do we expect the world to “go on” getting “better and better” as the church expands and drives away the darkness, filling it with the light of God?
And in that case, do we honestly think there IS a God, or is it really only our collective consciousness as we grow and mature until we find one day that it was always only us, and we, having become mature and perfected as a body, are the presence of God. I’m sure there is not a little fault with my train of logic, and I welcome anyone who can persuasively instruct me otherwise. Probably I have misunderstood something crucial somewhere, but I do want to know what the something is, if that’s the case. I would welcome correction.
The correction I desire is in my perceptions of others’ thoughts on this, as I don’t want to misunderstand and misrepresent anyone. As for my trust in Jesus, as Jesus, while I am always open to the instruction of the Holy Spirit, I don’t see myself changing on that.
I do believe He raised physically from among the dead ones, destroyed Hades, destroyed death, and that He will physically return as a discrete person; also that we will be raised as discrete and recognizable persons, that this present evil age will come to a discrete end, and the next, Messianic age have a discrete beginning. I do believe that His kingdom is now, but also that it is not yet. I don’t believe that the church or the ekklesia can bring in the Messianic age, even though we ARE the presence of the Messiah on this earth. We are awaiting a birth, and a birth is a crisis event. It is not a gradual change.
Love in Jesus,