Yesterday morning, a dear friend of mine had to put his Yellow Lab to sleep after 13 years of loving companionship. Moose was a beast of a dog, some 120 pounds and nearly hip-high at the top of his head, but with the loveliest and gentlest heart. Kind and playful, with such a love for life and an insatiable curiosity about the world around him. And I swear that dog had a true a sense of humor. He was a joy to be around. But Labrador hips do eventually fail, and Moose’s pain and disabilities reached the point where my friend did the awful, but humane, thing. Naturally, he is devastated by the loss.
So the question is, will my friend meet Moose once again at the restoration of all things? I told him I believe so, and I based it on Romans 8:
Does anyone else have any thoughts on this subject? Any words of encouragement I could share with my friend?