First, let me just say think you for your contributions to EU. I have only embraced Christian Universalism in the last 18 months after 30 years in pastoral ministry. It has been a long, slow and painful journey! I have now entered into a ministry of writing transformational fiction and hope to share some of these new thoughts in a format accessible to those who don’t read formal theology…story.
That out of the way, I have yet to see any discussion on the topic of prayer as it relates to free will. As Paul instructs Timothy “to pray for all people…because God wills all to be saved,” I find it interesting that folks who would cling to a free will argument against universal reconciliation, will still pray to God for the salvation of their lost friends and family members. If God could answer such a prayer, then surely he has some capacity for accomplishing such a thing. Maybe it is just a hopeful prayer, that God would send a witness or something along those lines, but I think it still speaks to the longing of every evangelical heart to believe that God can save people who, even at present, may have no desire to be saved.