Having spent a few days reading through old posts, I have already found lots of valuable insights and interesting discussions. To be honest, I really wish I had found out about this site years ago!
With that in mind, how much/where is this site promoted?
Are we wishing to keep it quiet so that it doesn’t grow too big or is it a lack of funds or is there a theological reason?
EU has made a big, positive impact for me and I want to see the same joy found by others. To that end, I’m thinking about buying a box of TEU and giving them to friends, family & church leaders to read. I know it doesn’t replace the Gospel but, as far as I can see, it can make a big impact on how you share it. e.g. motivated by love, not fear; understanding God isn’t vindictive in his punishment but actually wants a good outcome.
How are others EUs spreading EU?
Is it just grassroots/one-to-one discussions or do we have a plan, or a strategy, at least from an earthly perspective (obviously God has one and is already at work via the Spirit!)?