The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Reduced To Ashes As They Are Tormented Forever

I’ve been trying to put two seemingly contradictory verses together about Satan. One says that he will be tormented day and night forever and ever. The other says he will be reduced to ashes and be no more forever. The scripture I’m refering to is a prophecy of the final doom of the Prince of Tyre. It is also believed by many to be a reference to Satan. Maybe the lake of fire is eternal as the tormenting fires burn forever even after the wicked are reduced to ashes and are no more forever. It burns continually showing that their destruction and judgment is irreversable. They are not comming back.

Indeed all wicked people are doomed to destruction forever as they are turned to ashes by the eternal fires of torment:

So, all wicked people will be tormented forever as they are reduced to ashes.

How about this. The lake of fire was prepared for satan and his angels. Satan the Beast and False Prophet is a reference to Satan and his angels. They will be tormented day and night forever and ever. While the wicked race of humans will have their portion in the eternal lake of fire they will be reduced to ashes and be no more forever.

I think you need to read more articles in this forum that has already addressed these things.

I agree, we talk about these things a lot elsewhere already. It would be nice if you would search our site for threads already posted on those topics, and then either interact with those threads or if you absolutely must create a new thread interact with those earlier threads on the new thread.

For example:

(1) bunches of threads on the words and phrases that tend to be oversimply translated “forever” in Greek and Hebrew. (Sometimes the translations are appropriate, although there are arguments that the terms and phrases actually never mean forever. But there are many times they cannot mean forever.)

(2) Several threads discuss Biblical testimony about Sodom being resurrected and reconciled with God along with rebel Israel. (And reconciled with rebel Israel, too, at that time.)

(3) Several threads discuss “destruction” in the OT and the NT not being necessarily permanent. (St. Paul himself uses the very strongest cognate of the term in Greek to talk at least once in an indisputable fashion about a punishment he not only regards as hopeful but as certain to end in salvation of the destroyed one in the Day of the Lord to come.)

(4) Several threads discuss strong evidence (especially in OT) that God will bring rebel angels (up to and including Satan) to loyally worship Him again in fellowship with Him. Sometimes these testimonies involve humans (even human servants of rebel angels) also being finally reconciled with God in the Day of the Lord to come.

(5) Several threads discuss the lake of fire and evidence that this is far from finally hopeless for sinners put into it. (Including evidence that the lake of fire is the Holy Spirit Himself operating in a particular mode.)

We really have a LOT of info here on the forum. :slight_smile: With a lot more to come on the way.

Granted, it isn’t topically easy to find the information (although I have a very large project I’m working on that should help with that–except when I’m distracted by ‘work’ work and having to do admin things. :wink: ) But the info and discussions are there for people to search for.