This is not a new book and I see in the past Nick Baker has referred to it in one of his posts. I picked it up at our local library. it is subtitled “turning from Judgment to the Love of God.” Greg bases his work on an analysis of judgmentalism as it rises out of the fall and how it affects just about everything in human life often in detrimental ways. His main premiss is that it is only as we recognise our inability to correctly judge without feeding our own ego and turn away from judgment to love that we can really demonstrate the love of God in our lives to a world which sorely needs to see it. I was frustrated that he gets so close to articulating that a full understanding of the nature of Gods love will result in a full revelation of his grace to all but retreats to the usual “if” (we respond in the accepted evangelical way to the gospel in this life). I think that his articulation of the fact that no human can effectively judge another with anything like complete and certain understanding is insightful. So we leave judgments to God himself and work from what we do know, which is that everyone we meet has immeasurable value to God as illustrated in the cross and everyone is a sinner as all have sinned. A very good and insightful book that so nearly but not quite gets there! it is still available on Amazon.
I did check it out on Amazon. It has 72 raters and a collective rating of 4 out of 5 stars. Not bad!
This Roman catholic gal LOVES Greg Boyd!!!