The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Rob Bell streaming Q&A Monday night (14 March)

I finally got to watch it, and I thought it was brilliant!!! :smiley: A lot of his answers were spot on, and I loved his attitude and style. Quoting my wife, “What a breath of fresh air!” Praise God, I hope he continues to work through him. I highly recommend everyone watch it, especially my dad :sunglasses:

Reminded me a bit of Bono too :nerd:

I’d submit that it’s NOT very easy to make clear to people, because too many people don’t listen. I haven’t had a chance yet to look around and see what people are saying, but I can imagine the kind of criticism he’s getting. He’s speaking to a largely hostile audience with people just waiting for him to say something that will “prove” him a heretic.

I don’t know how far he goes towards universalism in his book–I suspect he leaves it implied rather than dogmatic, but I’m ok with him resisting the term. Most people assume “universalism” means everyone gets into heaven no matter how they live. What he’s really resisting is being caged, labeled and dismissed. Most would just hear the label and dismiss him without listening to his explanation. I think it’s good that he puts the emphasis on our choices and the consequences of them and the fact that God doesn’t slam the door on us at death. To me, those are the principles whose natural conclusion is the kind of universalism most of us here hold. He’s fighting for the principles, for the idea of a just, good, loving God.

The word “universalism” would just be a stumbling block to many of his hearers. Others of us can fight for the word!


OK OK, I’ll read the book. :unamused:
