Sorry if this has been said before, but I just noticed something I hadn’t thought of before and wanted to run it past you all.
I had realised that it seemed to say that “all have sinned…. being justified freely by his grace”. This sounds pretty positive for EU. But I always thought it should have a “but are” in it to make more sense. i.e. “all have sinned…. but are being justified….”
I was just thinking about Rom 11:32 in relation to Rom 3:23,24
This seems to say that God’s actual purpose in giving people over to sin and disobedience is to have mercy on them. All the people in Rom 1-3 who are under God’s wrath in sin and disobedience that He has “given over” are in that situation for the purpose of receiving God’s mercy.
This line of thinking makes sense of why the “but” is not necessary in 3:24, because it was actually God’s purpose all along.
For example
They got up early, “being” eager to go for a walk - no “but” is necessary because the purpose of getting up early is to go for a walk.
They had a car accident “but are being” treated in hospital - “but are” or “and are” seem more necessary because the purpose of the car accident would not be to be treated in hospital.
Does that make sense to anyone? Am I on the right track? Thanks.