The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Romans 11:36 ta panta

By these three prepositions Paul ascribes the universe (ta panta) with all the phenomena concerning creation, redemption, providence to God as the…

Ex= The Source

Di= The Agent

Eiv= The Goal

The Koine, ta pavnte, is the strongest word for all in the Scriptures; it literally means the all.

Romans 11:36=

ta pavnte/ ta panta, “in the absolute sense of the whole of creation, the all things, the universe, and, everything in heaven and earth that is in need of uniting and redeeming.”

**It is not in the limited sense of “nearly all”, “pavnte” minus “ta”

The final preposition [eiv) reveals the ultimate goal of all that is. What has been provided in Christ is a re-turn, a re-storation, a re-newing, a re-demption, a re-concilation, a re-surrection, a re-stitution.

The prefix “re” means back again, again, anew–and all the words with this prefix speak of something that left its place and has now made its circuit and come back to the point of its beginning.

In the Christian story God descends to reascend. He comes down;… down to the very roots and sea-bed of the Nature He has created. But He goes down to come up again and bring the whole ruined world up with Him. -C.S. Lewis

Are our broadest hopes broad enough? Shall there be a nook or abyss, in all the universe of God, finally unlightened by the Cross? Shall there be a sin, or sorrow, or pain unhealed? Is the very universe, is creation in all its extent, a field wide enough for the Son of God?

Alexander Thompson- Ta Panta

Rev. 5.13

F.W. Robertson Word Pictures of the N.T.=

Every created thing (pan ktisma).

Every creature in a still wider antiphonal circle beyond the circle of angels (from ktizw, for which see 1 Timothy 4:4 ; James 1:18 ), from all the four great fields of life (in heaven, upon the earth, under the earth as in verse James 3 , with on the sea epi th qalassh added).

No created thing is left out.

This universal chorus of praise to Christ from all created life reminds one of the profound mystical passage in Romans 8:20-22 concerning the sympathetic agony of creation (ktisi) in hope of freedom from the bondage of corruption.

If the trail of the serpent is on all creation, it will be ultimately thrown off.

Saying (legonta). Masculine (construction according to sense, personifying the created things) if genuine, though some MSS. have legonta (grammatical gender agreeing with panta) present active participle of legw, to say. And to the Lamb (kai twi arniwi). Dative case. Praise and worship are rendered to the Lamb precisely as to God on the throne.

Note separate articles here in the doxology as in Romans 4:11 and the addition of to krato (active power) in place of iscu (reserve of strength) in Romans 5:12 .

Are our broadest hopes broad enough? Shall there be a nook or abyss, in all the universe of God, finally unlightened by the Cross? Shall there be a sin, or sorrow, or pain unhealed? Is the very universe, is creation in all its extent, a field wide enough for the Son of God?

For the universalist issue, the key point for 11:36 is the impled application of “tha panta” to “all” humanity in 11:32. “God has ijmprisoned ALL in disobedience, so that He might have mercy on ALL.”
The parallel instances of “all” imply that all humanity is included in the release from the divine imprisonment in disobedience. By implication, humanity has no free choose about this ordained disobedience and therefore God talks responsibility for the universal bestowal of mercy. The application of 1132 to the cosmic restoration implied in 11:36 removes the possibility of human prevention of this divine plan.

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Does the word “might” (Rom.11:32) bring into question whether or not God will be merciful to all? Even if He is merciful to all, does that imply all receive His mercy & will be saved?

“that he might” = eleeo =

To compassionate by Divine grace. The action is one of doing kindness, and that kindness is to all alike.

All will not only be saved, the all will be reconciled and “made righteous”!

All Things Are Of God

Scripture says: “Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ…” (2Cor. 5:18a NKJV) Paul, Christ’s special emissary to the Gentiles, wrote those words in his second letter to the Church in Corinth, and anyone familiar with the man’s thought, knows it was not at all unlike him to make such a bold statement. Some of us who have been helped by the Spirit to get into the man’s heart and mind, upon reading that again, might be prone to say to ourselves, “Wooowee, there goes our brother Paul again pulling no punches. You just gotta’ love the guy, but there’s an awful lot of our brethren who won’t find it at all comfortable to set awhile chewing on that verse. Whenever he drops any one of those kind of bombs of his, some theological box gets blown to smithereens.”

He’s right, though. All things are of God—ALL things!!!

Trace back anything you care to, to who’s ultimately responsible for its existence, and you come to the throne of God. If it exists, it exists because God intended its existence—whether good or bad. There’s no such thing as God being confronted and surprised by something the devil slipped in under the Divine radar. There’s no such thing as, “Oh, dear Me, we’ve got a crisis on our hands. Alert! Alert! All hands on deck. Sound the alarm. Get to work on damage control. We’ll have to do some improvising to deal with this mess, and there’s going to be some severe everlasting loss involved; I can see that already.”

There was no hoping on God’s part that Eve might not take the serpent’s bait. It was all planned. O yes. O yes, yes, it was. I’m bold to tell you, yes it was. A garden including a cunning serpent slithering up to unprepared innocence. What would you expect? It was a no-brainer: Score: serpent one; Eve zero. But look down the road you students of scripture, that loss, in the end, will be integral to, and seminally serve, a gain of such vast proportions, that not even the greatest suffering that has come from that first “loss” will compare with the glory which shall be revealed to, in, and through us, and by “us,” I mean we poor, wounded, captive, sin-sick souls. The Seed of the woman SHALL crush the head of the serpent, you can bet on that.

God is not a loser; He never loses—anything, anyone, not even, and especially not even, that only one lost sheep out of the hundred.

You can go ahead and try getting yourself lost. It ain’t gonna’ work. You’ll only end up coming home loving much, because you’ve been forgiven much. You think it’s a challenge to be acceptable to God? Hey, try to be finally rejected. That, you’ll find, will turn out to be the ultimate frustration. You reject God; He rejects your rejection. You throw your resignation onto His desk, and He refuses to accept your resignation. He counts you in, and there’s no getting out.

"I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice, to worship You, O my soul rejoice. Take joy, my King, in what you hear. Let me be a sweet, sweet song in Your ear. -John Gavazzoni-

All Things Are Of God

Jonathan Mitchell=

John introduces this quote without any introduction, except perhaps as an allusion to Isa. 41:4; 44:6 and 48:12, where the clauses are, “I am the First and the Last.” We find the A and the W again in 21:6, with allusions to “First and Last” in the formulation, “I am the Alpha and the Omega: The Beginning (Origin; Source; Headship; First Principle) and The End (The Goal; Consummation; The Finished Product; The Destiny; The Purpose),” and this is repeated in 22:13. The “first and last” placement of these declarations virtually “bookend” the entire Apocalypse.

When the Lord speaks of Himself in a certain way, and then says it three times in a single message (an Unveiling), we should pause and give this expression focused thought.

We suggest that Paul articulated the same idea in Rom. 11:36a-

"Because, forth from out of the midst of Him, then through the midst of Him (or: through means of Him), and [finally] into the midst of Him, [is; will be] the whole (everything; [are] all things; or: Because He is the source, means and goal/destiny of all things – everything leads into Him)!"

“The Alpha and the Omega” is an example of a traditional rhetorical technique where “polar opposites” are stated “in order to highlight everything between the opposites”

Greek-English Lexicon Of The New Testament by William F. Arndt & Wilbur Gingrich

ta; pavnta.

In the abs. sense of the whole of creation all things, the universe

(Pla., Ep. 6 p. 323d tw’n pavntwn qeov"; hymn to Selene in EAbel, Orphica [1885] 294, 36 eij" se; ta; pavnta teleuta’ [s. 2ad above]; Herm. Wr. 13, 17 t. ktivsanta ta; pavnta; Philo, Spec. Leg. 1, 208, Rer. Div. Her. 36, Somn. 1, 241; PGM 1, 212 kuvrie tw’n pavntwn; 4, 3077) Ro 11:36 (Musaeus in Diog. L. 1, 3 ejx eJno;" ta; pavnta givnesqai kai; eij" taujto;n ajnaluvesqai. Cf. Norden, Agn. Th. 240-50); 1 Cor 8:6a, b; 15:28a, b; Eph 3:9; 4:10b; Phil 3:21; Col 1:16a, b, 17>b (HHegermann, D. Vorstellung vom Schöpfungsmittler etc., TU 82, '61, 88ff); Hb 1:3; 2:10a, b; Rv 4:11; 1 Cl 34:2; PK 2 p. 13 (four times).

—In the relative sense, indicated by the context, everything (Kupr. I p. 42 no. 29 ta;" stoa;" kai; ta; ejn aujtai’" pavnta; PGiess. 2, 14 [II bc] in a bill: ta; p.=‘everything taken together’) ejn parabolai’" ta; pavnta givnetai everything (=all the preaching) is in parables Mk 4:11. Cf. Ac 17:25b; Ro 8:32b.

Of everything in heaven and earth that is in need of uniting and redeeming

“And God purposed through Him to reconcile the universe to Himself, making peace through His blood, which was shed upon the Cross–to reconcile to Himself through Him, I say, things on earth and things in Heaven.”

My friends, our God is the ta panta, the Source, Guide & Goal of the all, the ta panta.

He also is the Alpha & Omega, the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet.


What is the meaning of ta panta?

Source, Guide, Goal of ta panta

Just a little lesson about the Greek word.

΅παντα" (panta) is not a Greek adjective “in its own right.” Rather it is a particular form of the adjective—namely the masculine accusative. This means that it is used to modify a masculine noun or pronoun that is the object of a sentence or a phrase.

Here are all forms of the same word (which means “all” or “every”)

πας (pas) nominative singular masculine (used as subject of a verb)
πασα (panta) nominative singular feminine
παν (pan) nominative singular neuter

παντος (pantos) genitive singular masculine (means “of all” or “of every”)
πασης (pasās) genitive singular feminine
παντος (pantos) genitive singular neuter

παντι (panti) dative singular masculine (means “to all/every” or “for all/every”
παση (pasā) dative singular feminine
παντι (panti) dative singular neuter

παντα (panta) accusative singular masculine (used as the object of a verb)
πασαν (pasan) accusative singular feminine
παν (pan) accusative singular neuter

Then there are 12 other forms of the adjective for modifying plural nouns or pronouns. I won’t take the time to type these out unless you are intensely interested.


Ta Panta

A.T. Robertson Word Pictures

Romans 11:36

“oti ex autou kai di autou kai eiV auton ta panta autw h doxa eiV touV aiwnaV amhn”

Dr. Marvin Vincent N.T. Word Studies

Of - through - to (ex - dia - eiv).

Of, proceeding from as the source:

through, by means of, as maintainer, preserver, ruler:

to or unto, He is the point to which all tends. All men and things are for His glory (1 Corinthians 15:28).

Alford styles this doxology “the sublimest apostrophe existing even in the pages of inspiration itself.”

Robertson Word Pictures Of The N.T.

Of him= ex autou

Through him = di’ autou

Unto him = eiv auton

By these three prepositions Paul ascribes the universe (ta panta) with all the phenomena concerning creation, redemption, providence to God as the

Ex = The Source

Di= The Agent

Eiv= The Goal

For ever = eiv touv aiwnav = “For the ages.”

Alford terms this doxology in verses 33-36 “the sublimest apostrophe existing even in the pages of inspiration itself.”

Romans 11:36