I just posted on this on another board today. The other post was on death being destroyed.
This is something I’ve been mulling the past few days. I woke the other day with the words “you have been set free from the law of sin and death”.
For me this goes back to the garden. There are two trees in the center of the garden. Its possible that they are the same tree, since they occupy the same space. The TOKOGAE is flesh, which is where sin is condemned. It is the law in stone that brings death, if you eat of it you will surely die. It is duality, good and evil, right and wrong. Male and female, the two cherubs. The covering cast over all faces, the veil of death(the tokogae is our senses/physical world), the veil was woven with cherubs.
The same law that brings death to those who are carnal minded, brings life to those who walk in the spirit. The gospel is sweet to us, but death to those who are perishing. The sharp two edged sword that divides is pain and death to those but freedom and love to us. The fire of God’s presence is torture for those who have the spirit of fear, but cleansing, beautiful, divine love to those who Fear HIm.
We are said to have a heart of stone(law), but given a heart of flesh. We obviously literally didn’t have a heart of stone, but the same heart is transformed from a dead thing to a living thing.
If you were to visualize this its like this:
male-one-female (I’m not saying female is evil, just part of the duality)
Christ is the tree of life, christ is in us individually, and corporately as the one standing in the midst of the lamp stands. He is the sharp two edged sword of fire that is between the cherubim. The narrow path is the center. IF your eye be full of light, eye is singular.
I don’t know if they are the same trees, but we don’t see the tokogae in Revelation.