The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Soul Retrievals and Their Biblical Precedents

Nathan Castle is a Dominican priest and the author of the bestseller, “Afterlife Interrupted,” a book on his calling to “retrieve stuck souls” after a violent unexpected death and guide them to the next step on their spiritual journey. I first learned about him from his interview on “Coast to Coast,” and then found this interview of him. I’m fascinated by how his “gift” came to him and by the approval he receives from his Dominican provincial. I thought I knew the limits of Catholic mysticism, but his ministry stunned and fascinated me. I haven’t yet read his bestseller, but want to do so soon. Here is an online interview with him. What do you think?

In this thread I will post other examples of “soul retrievals.” These will include the mystical work of Rev. Howell Vincent and a retrieval experience of Paul Rademacher, the former director of the Monroe Institute in Virginia. After discussing case histories, I will explore the quest to ground such ministries in Scripture.

Actually, this sounds a bit like “The Tibetan Book of the Dead” or “Egyptian Book of the Dead”.

In some shamanic traditions…if a person is having a psychological crisis…rather than a primary care physician, psychologist or psychiatrist…they might go to a shaman, to do a “soul retrieval”.