The Evangelical Universalist Forum

"Split Frame of Reference" blog updates

Hey Hey! I think Substitutionary atonements (minus Penal) is pretty important, but I definitely prefer Christus Victor as the best explanation of the data and the model of atonement that does indeed seem to be the most powerful model in terms of emphasis and scope.


Roger Olson on John Piper and Pietism

splitframeofreference.blogspot.c … issue.html


Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs in an upcoming biopic?

splitframeofreference.blogspot.c … -jobs.html


Roger Olson, “Evangelicals, Divorce and Homosexual Hypocrisy?”

splitframeofreference.blogspot.c … e-and.html


Jerry Walls, Scot McKnight, and C.S. Lewis on. . . .

“Mere Purgatory?”

splitframeofreference.blogspot.c … atory.html


Interesting that Lewis, given this view of his, was not able to take the next step to universalism. I believe that his impediment must have had to do with his error in putting a bit too much stock in human freedom.

Yeah I always thought Lewis was closer to UR than people let on.

Oh, and Andrew Sullivan (A Gay Catholic who is politically fairly conservative) has been writing a series. Check it out ya’ll.

splitframeofreference.blogspot.c … anity.html


For a more amusing turn, I try to eat like a hippie for a month. :mrgreen:

splitframeofreference.blogspot.c … day-1.html


I was thinking.

I think N.T. Wright is one of the few scholars who could very easily become a Universalist.

Alex mentioned Jerry Walls, but Walls is a tough dude (in a good way) and I think human freedom (of the Lewis) variety, is what would keep him from affirming EU.

By the way he talks about God’s love, you’d think Francis Chan was a universalist.


I think Francis Chan got in trouble specifically over Crazy Love and that’s why he felt like he had to come out swinging against Love Wins by writing God Wins (if I recall the title correctly)–which Francis, in his promotions for the book, specifically positioned as being a self-critical exercise on his part.

If I had the time and energy, I would write up a comparative analysis between CL and GW. It would be amusing, I expect, as well as instructive. :sunglasses:

Dude. Do it. I think you are referring to Erasing Hell as the book Chan came out swinging with. I bought it the first week it came out, read it twice and sold to my local Christian bookstore. The guy asked me why I was selling it and I told him it was “ECT for Dummies.” He didn’t find it funny, but he accepted it and gave me a few bucks for it.

I went and then bought Velvet Elvis by Bell and paid for it with that cash he gave me. I think he called me a *YGB()HBUY^R%$ER on my way out.

Yes, I was cheeky there. :laughing:


Howdy folks. A friend of mine wrote a guest post on my blog about a different atonement theory he created. Its quite interesting.

splitframeofreference.blogspot.c … stice.html


That’s it. I have it on my Kindle, but my Kindle broke itself today somehow, so I couldn’t ref the title for sure. (Another Calvinist swung with God Wins.)

I think Mark Galli wrote God Wins. A pretty blah book.


Well, to be fair, LW has numerous serious faults, too, especially in the first half. I don’t think I could ever call it blah, but I’d be hopping up and down frothing very warrantedly if I was one of his opponents.

(I have a fairly extensive although often informal book-length review of LW somewhere on site, as well as a much shorter and more formal 12-page review, if you’re interested in cribbing some colorful quotes sometime. :smiley: )

Would love to read. Would you permit me to post it on my blog? :smiley:


A good Moltmann quote.

splitframeofreference.blogspot.c … comes.html


Keith DeRose, Hope & Hitler.

splitframeofreference.blogspot.c … saved.html



Do you know where to find them on the forum?

The longer more informal review can be found here (as downloadable texts and as the original thread material).

The shorter review can be found here.

Hey Jason. Consider it posted.

splitframeofreference.blogspot.c … -wins.html
