Our discussion at GM’s Blog has raised several issues concerning this subject.
- Q.socne wrote
I would love such an environment to exist, but I wouldn’t be able to participate if it had a statement of faith. I left evangelicalism largely because of suffering and hell. Christian Universalism would help hugely with those issues so I would really appreciate being able to discuss these things openly and fairly. By all means have a “Holy Huddle” area but an open area would be really appreciated.
Before a Statement of faith is drawn out perhaps we should discuss Q’s concern. I believe this is similar to GM’s concern on creating too strict of a board.
I do want to ask this question to Q.socne and others. Even if we wrote out a statement of faith for the site, does that mean only those who adhere to the statement of faith can participate?
If we affirm the above then I agree it is too strict. My vote is to move forard with a statement of faith but allow Q.socne and others to participate in an open area.
A closed area for EVU subscribers is very much doable…I think