Today I discovered (thanks to Luke ):
"]Lapsarianism is the set of Calvinist doctrines describing the theoretical order of God’s decree (in his mind, before Creation), in particular concerning the order of his decree for the fall of man and reprobation. …
Supralapsarianism (also antelapsarianism) is the view that God’s decrees of election and reprobation logically preceded the decree of the fall, while infralapsarianism (also called postlapsarianism and sublapsarianism) asserts that God’s decrees of election and reprobation logically succeeded the decree of the fall.I found it particularly interesting to find out there’s a range of views within Calvinism on the topic, as I had always thought Calvin was Supralapsarianism, and therefore that was the only option for Calvinists
I’ve been thinking about this topic a lot recently, wondering about the fairness of predestining people to ECP/T before they are created (i.e. before they had sinned)