More event details:
Talbott’s powerpoint presentation!:THE CASE FOR UNIVERSALISM.pptx (4.08 MB)
JRP edits to add a topical timestamp map. Be aware that some or all browsers may only be able to “click” on one minute eleven second increments (Jason’s was like that), so you may have to ‘underclick’ by a minute or so to get ahead of the portion you want.
0:00 host introduction and essay
2:22 moderator introduction and essay
8:46 Jerry Walls intro autobiography
11:07 Tom Talbott intro autobiography
15:40 Duane Watson intro autobiography
18:14 Jerry’s presentation starts (mostly about how all three sides see clear scriptural warrant)
32:44 Jerry starts main argument (three philosophical considerations, two he recognizes in favor of universalism)
36:11 Jerry’s argument on free will and conclusion
39:08 Tom’s presentation starts (also mostly about how all three sides see clear scriptural warrant)
43:50 Tom’s 3 Inconsistent Propositions (with scriptural support, logical variants and results)
1:01:25 Duane’s presentation starts
1:01:30 Duane’s main argument data begins (first two observations from NT data)
1:07:30 3rd observation about destruction in NT
1:10:00 4th observation about effects and duration of eschatological fire
1:11:50 how annihilationists put observations together
1:13:50 annihilationism in church history
1:17:44 conclusion with quote from C. S. Lewis
(note: all three guys are Arminians and big fans of Lewis)
1:18:25 Tom asks Duane a question
1:23:43 Jerry asks Tom a question
1:26:06 Duane asks Jerry a question
1:29:25 for Tom, about vengeance in RevJohn (floor mic doesn’t work at first but questioner starts over)
1:32:30 for Jerry, about remembering sinners (ECT compared to anni)
1:34:35 for Tom and Jerry, about Paschal’s wager (but mostly answered by Tom for obvious reasons)
1:37:41 for Tom, about Apostle’s Creed descent into hell
1:39:35 for Jerry, about two ways of suffering (is Jerry talking about active punishment or consequential suffering)
1:41:00 for Jerry, why do finite sins merit infinite punishment? (this is after Jerry says he isn’t talking about active punishment)
1:41:55 for all three, what is the gospel?
1:44:00 for Jerry, will not or cannot choose to repent?
1:45:20 for Tom, doesn’t universalism negate choice?–and what need for being good in this life?
1:49:30 for Duane, about eternal effect of death vs. ongoing life (why two meanings of eternal; if life is continuously unending why isn’t punishment continuously unending?)
1:52:10 for Jerry, is fate of souls in hell ever finally sealed?
1:53:17 for Tom, in light of God’s justice how can life of sin allow eternal life?
1:55:14 for Duane, if being born again is figurative why isn’t eternal destruction figurative? Also, if humans are annihilated why aren’t beast, false prophet, Satan and maggots annihilated?
Clarification: Tom has said that he’ll try to answer questions addressed to him in this thread. (Normal forum rules)