The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Temple Symbolism

Hi Everyone!

I hope you don’t mind a non UR question, but it would be great to have your expertise . . . the sisters are running the (house) church this week, and we’re going to start a study on the symbolism of the Temple. So, since we just decided this today, we’re taking the first week. I’m supposed to come up with something profound about the symbolism of the Gate Beautiful, Court of the Gentiles, and the Court of the Women.

I’m not totally blank, but I’d appreciate hearing any wisdom you all can offer me. It will make me look really smart. :wink:

Thanks so much!
Love, Cindy

Sorry, I am totally blank, I don’t have anything to say about the symbolism of the Gate Beautiful, Court of the Gentiles, and the Court of the Women, let alone something profound :blush:

What are you’re initial thoughts, otherwise I’ll have google it to satisfy my curiosity :stuck_out_tongue:

:laughing: Hey, Alex. I was just over at Amazon buying Kindle books about the Temple. Goes to show just how much I don’t know.

I’ll post again after I ask God about it tomorrow morning, but for now – the gate, of course, symbolizes Jesus – the door of the sheep. And interestingly it was there that Peter healed the lame man, for which he and John got in all kinds of trouble – well, not for healing him specifically, but you know what I mean. And I’d really like to have more on the gate – why was it called the Gate Beautiful, for one thing . . . .

The Court of the Women – this was as far as the ladies got to go :angry: Who wants to look at all that gore in the next court anyhow? :unamused: But I’ve recently read that the woman, through whom man comes, symbolizes the natural, giving birth to the spiritual (Son of God), and so it would make sense (if this is the case) that the natural person couldn’t come any closer – not without the sacrifices that happened in the Court of the Hebrews (I think that’s what the next area was called, but I’m sure it has some interesting, unpronounceable name.)

The Court of the Gentiles was off to the side of the Temple enclosure. The Gentiles didn’t even get to come close – and nobody brought them any crumbs, either, if you interpret the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man that way. Now we have become the bride of the Lamb. Pretty amazing, huh?

And I can probably go with that (people can always be counted on to talk), but I’m hoping for something earth shattering and way cool and utterly profound. I’ll let you know if I get anything like that. :wink: I should have asked this morning, but I got caught up in reading a new book. :blush: I should have suggested that we start with the bronze altar. I have LOTS of cool stuff to say about the bronze altar.

Thanks for your response, Alex – you always notice. :slight_smile:

Love in Jesus, Cindy

Sounds like you’re well on your way there. Thanks for info on those things, I find the layers of symbolism interesting :sunglasses:

Okay . . . for anyone interested, here’s what I believed I received from our Father about the symbolism of the entrance to the Tabernacle:

There’s a little more, and I may post that as a subsequent blog post – if I do, I’ll put that here, too. :slight_smile:

Love in Jesus, Cindy


I didn’t respond to your original inquiry because of what you wrote in your blog about the gentile court and women’s court being later additions (that was my feeling/understanding). Temple symbolism is one of my favorite topics but I didn’t have time to research whether my feelings were well founded or not about those courts. My understanding of the temple is really of the tabernacle, it was to be made from the pattern shown on the mountain (which that pattern relates to us). Solomons temple was also made from a pattern given by God to David, though I don’t think we know much about that temple, whether those courts were supposed to be there. By the time of the Jesus with Herods additions to the temple I think so much had been lost, through additions.

Hopefully I’ll have time to add my two cents for the next round, so long as they are meant to be there, and not just the additions of religion. Thanks for the confirmation :slight_smile:


Thanks! I would love to hear what you have to say about this – the more input the better. The men/brothers are supposed to be talking about the brazen altar this week. I actually wanted to talk about that, but since we just unilaterally decided that this was the path the group would take for the next several weeks, we felt like we needed to take the first week. After this week, it’s up for anyone to grab and I think I’ll ask to talk about the Bronze Laver.

I’ve got another post scheduled to go up this evening at 8pm (mountain) that’s somewhat connected, and then I think I’ll probably add one more about Jesus as the door because a young friend is asking for more clarification. I sometimes get all mystical to the point that probably not a lot of non or new Christians would understand what I’m talking about. It’s good to have someone to say, “Hey! What on earth does THAT mean?” :wink: Jesus as the door is such a rich metaphor. I’ve been thinking about it since I got her e-mail, and I can hardly wait to go to Him and see what else He may have to say. :slight_smile:

Love, Cindy

I just watched the Avengers movie the other day (which was awesome btw), and in it there is a portal between worlds. Although the 2 worlds are still material, the difference between the two worlds is a good type. One is the heavens (well the second heaven in Hebrew thought) outer space and the other is earth. Anyway seeing Jesus as the door in that light may give some clarification to less mystical thinkers. He is the opening between heaven and earth, He is the ladder the angels ascend and descend on, with his head in the clouds and his feet on the earth.

That is so cool, RHM! Look at what I wrote in my journal this morning:

I asked: What does it mean to be the door, Father?

"This is My Son, in whom I am well pleased. He alone is the interface between the heavens and the material world. And as you all embody Him – His nature – you also become the door. There is one door; one Lord, one faith, one baptism – but many manifestations of My Son, all over the world. He is to be displayed in your light; the light I have given you.

"My kingdom can be entered only through My Son. He is the way; the staircase of Jacob, the portal between the worlds. No one can – not may, but CAN – approach Me save by Him.

“Through Him your spirit, which was as good as dead, being blind and deaf and insensate to the spiritual realms, receives new life. Through Him you die and are made alive. You go in and out and find pasture. You move simultaneously in the earthly and spiritual realms. He is the interface, the unifier of two worlds; to destroy the works of the evil one and to unite heaven and earth into one integrated realm so there shall be no more two, but one all-encompassing Kingdom.”

My disclaimer – I have been known to hear wrong, so I certainly don’t expect anyone to take this sort of thing as holy writ. It’s just what I believe I heard from God this morning – what I wrote in my journal. Very cool to me that you’re saying much the same thing. :slight_smile:

Blessings, Cindy

I dont think youre wrong but thats cus that would make me wrong and theres a very small likelyhood of that :laughing:

Seriously that is awesome that we are communicating the same things. The mind of christ in action

:laughing: RHM