Welcome Joen!
I don’t see a problem with God hardening the hearts of people when I consider that He’ll ultimately have mercy on all, Rom. 11:32. We are in bondage to sin, born in bondage, until the Lord sets us free. And in order to work out His plan, the Lord leaves some people in bondage longer than others. And some people, like Pharoah, are actually strengthened in their opposition of God because God wills it so for that season. Pharoah was hardened, strengthened in his rebellion, by God so that God’s plan from a dramatic deliverance of both Israel and Egypt from the bondage of sin. Israel was in bondage, slavery to Egypt, but the slavery of Egypt, its bondage to sin that comes through oppressing others was even worse. So in order to deliver both from the evil of slavery and oppression, the Lord hardened Pharoah’s heart so as to reveal just how stupid, foolish evil is to both the Egyptians and to the Israelites. God also wanted to reveal to both Egypt and Israel that there is no other God except Him; the gods of the Egyptians were not gods at all, but fabrications of their own minds! Sometimes, often even, people must hit rock bottom before they will look up and realize the truth concerning the deception of sin!