The Evangelical Universalist Forum

The Books of God. "Consider ye this..."

Consider Ye, The Lilies of The Field.

Consider ye the lilies of the field. Consider ye the stars in the Heavens declaring his glory. Consider ye the pillars of the Earth, and the foundations of the deep, the work of his cunning hands and how they bear witness to his majesty, his worth, his ability, his strength, and his compassion.

Understand that there is a book written by The Word himself, by his own fingers penned, and his own voice uttered under self-inspiration; a book written through him and by him the pages and bindings were caused into being, words spoken into existence long ago; consider ye the creation and how it is ever a faithful testament to the work of God and his goodness, and the contest of evils against that which is, and that which is true and real - and the ultimate triumph of God. Consider ye the living epistle of the Earth, how it is full of struggle with the flesh - this present evil age, against the mighty power of the Most High, and his kingdom within.

Consider ye the story of this epistle, this book without error - for God made all things good, and consider the way of our Lord as he expresses himself through Creation; adapting creatures with teeth and claws to balance ecosystems, in his divine mercy giving meat to lions so that antelope will not starve to death as a species by over population, doing a divine work in all creatures in a shifting world full of uncertainty - how he has made medicines in plants thought poisonous, and how the boughs of trees filling the earth with clean air for us to breathe - the revolving of planets, and the beauty of stars in every more glorious displays of cosmic dance, a divine ballet full of subtlety and power: Ah yes, the mercies of God are new every day as Creation progresses every day into the path God has set for it, a book ever unfolding, a living story read aloud to us every day we awaken to embrace, a book of which we as creations are a part.

Behold the work of our Beloved God, and read it with delight.

Consider ye the Book of Creation, and learn of it, ask God for wisdom to interpret the subtle passages of this wonderful work, and take heed of the teachings to apply them in your life, for you too are a Creation and part of The Book.

Consider Ye, The Living Epistles.

Give heed to this, and consider ye the truth of it in your hearts.

Understand that you are living epistles, sermons read by all mankind. Do you understand that you are part of God’s book? You are each a bit of scripture written by the hand of God into existence, each telling an individual story of your individual experiences with God, in relation to the full story that is the divine Revelation of Existence, and of Life. You are all living scripture, in a living book of life, written by The Word.

Ponder that, and consider for a moment your place in the Book of Life, as living epistles…Pause and think; selah.

Give heed to this, and consider ye the truth of it in your hearts.

From where does your life come? Do you understand that you are each the breath of God? The Breath of God is your life, and your life’s being. Your soul, your spirit, your dust, your breath are all of God; for God is all in all. He is in the dust of your body, in the breath of your spirit, he is in you as The Spirit, and you are in Him who is The Son, and all are in God who is God, even The Father.

Understand that you are each a living breath of the living God. Now consider ye that you are living epistles, as well as living breaths. Do you see that you are each God-breathed epistles? Yes, you are all divinely inspired, God-breathed, living scripture; to be read by all mankind professing Truth, Life, and Way. See yourself in light of this, and go forth as the ambassadors of God; being perfect as your Father is perfect. Let your story be told, and your testimony be read in thought, in action, in faith, in hope, and above all in Love; for God is Love, and Love is God.

Be ye what ye are; Living, God-breathed, divinely inspired epistles in the Book of God.


Thank you Lefein.