In this thought experiment (i.e. see, I will be Professor Nasrudin (similar to the Heyoka in the Lakota tradition or Holy Fool in the Eastern Orthodox tradition). I am teaching a course in Apocatastasis. You can find out more on my background by searching Nasrudin on Google or Bing. I’ll be teaching this in the style of a former literature and creative writing professor, who has his masters from Yale and his PhD from Northern Illinois University. This professor used to introduce a topic and let the students discuss it. Then they would write a paper on the topic. If no one has anything to say, there would be silence. The only thing the professor would do is perhaps inject a question, from time to time.
Today we will be looking at an interesting piece about the Continuing Church of God Universal Salvation or Apocatastasis plan at by Dr. Bob Thiel at This church believes they are the true church and have a true understanding of the bible. This article outlines how they believe Apocatastasis will unfold. Your assignment is to discuss or critique the article, from your personal theological and philosophical framework.
Do you agree with it, in whole or in part?
Do you disagree with it, in whole or in part?
Why or why not?
To give some rebuttal info, the Got Questions site (i.e. traditional Protestant site) at, does give some rebuttal to the Armstrong position. The Dr. Bob Thiel group sprung from the Armstrong group, and Armstrong later dropped the Jewish stuff and got back to mainstream stuff. But what’s interesting in the Theil document, is a second gospel will be preached after death. Another sprinter group called the Living Church of God by Got Questions at is discussed. And Dr. Theil tries to defend his position from a Biblical perspective. He also mentions he disagrees with the original Armstrong and the Living Church of God, in his bio article.
How good a job does he do in defending Apocatastasis?
Does Got Questions do a good rebuttal to the original and another spin-off?
In the meantime, Professor Nasrudin will be sipping hot Chai tea and reading a comic book. But if nobody talks, he may throw in a question or two, for reflection and discussion.