Some people are a MASSIVE challenge to Universalism. I totally grant that…whether they are truly evil in their behaviour (and not just potentially evil as we all are), or just don’t take well to authority…or as one Atheist i read a quote from put it (paraphrased), that he hoped God didn’t exist…he didn’t want to live in that kind of universe.
With the latter one and a half examples, i would just say that it’s the equivalent of some kid with no real experiential knowledge of the world asserting an opinion he will one day outgrow, probably based on needing concrete opinions and ideas that we soon learn can never be more than abstractions that work under some conditions, but not all.
In the example of Dirlewanger…well this is tricky. Let’s say he wasn’t broken: that he freely chose to be cruel to fellow humans. Let’s say he said “&%$# you, God!” (with at least partial human knowledge), i hate You so much, i’m going to hurt You by hurting Your creation."
Again, there is a certain amount of infantile temper tantrum here. Children are often cruel, for no reason at all. Sometimes it’s coldly experimental…yes it can be from an abused position, but let’s assume not here. Just some awful kid asserting power over another because he can. (This could even be that nasty kid with an anthill and magnifying glass on a sunny day). Take that infantile impulse and apply it to someone with real power to harm. That is some awful potential we have. Dirlethingy obviously asserted such evil, and he’s not alone. There is a great cloud of witnesses of similarly vile people scattered throughout history. Some did huge evil things that we know about, and some do it on a small scale. I don’t actually think the scale matters to God. For such as these, His wrath is poured out on the world.
I cannot believe that they just get into heaven scott free. I am technically not much of a purgatorial universalist, but something must happen to make that suffering REAL to these people. to teach them some EMPATHY. to bring it home and say LOOK WHAT YOU DID: YOU CANNOT ESCAPE YOUR GUILT OR YOUR SHAME. YOU MUST FACE EACH VICTIM AND SUFFER WHAT YOU MADE THEM SUFFER. God is not vindictive. He would not become the monster THEY are in order to punish them. However, I suspect deeply that He will reveal to them on some deep, personal level EXACTLY what they did, and that disclosure will be the fury of the Lake of Fire. When (not IF, God NEVER fails) they emerge…their works will be as ashes. They will have no treasure to bring to God, only tears and soot and shame. However, the truth will have set them free, even as it scoured their very souls.
Their victims will i believe undergo something too. They will be healed. Where they harbour bitterness towards their tormentor, they will have that poison removed, and they will be utterly set free. That process may be painful for them, i don’t know. I actually doubt any of us will escape some pain and shame and guilt. But we will be cleansed and set free by the truth.
I cannot believe that it would instantaneous…even when we forgive others on this earth, it takes time to associate with them…let alone trust and rebuild a broken relationship if it was there in the first place. But God will, i believe, triumph totally in both teaching repentance to the sinners (as He is also a victim of their evil and has the right to forgive) and forgiveness to the victims (with whom He empathises totally) and will forge a new relationship.
There is a film i want to see which i believe is based on a glimpse of this Glory happening on earth, if it is the story i heard before: The Railway Man.
If i’m right, it’s the story of a man tortured in WW2 as a Japanese prisoner of war. He learns one of his tormentors is still alive and travels to meet him…and probably kill him. in the story i heard, he finds out that his tormentor is more complicated than he expected…and what’s more, is full of remorse. They beyond all belief and all human understanding become friends when they realise they are both actually the same…both human beings full of flaws etc. Sounds the sort of film that i may need to watch on my own, unless i want to drown everyone around me
Another glimpse of this Kingdom of Heaven that Christ is keen to build is of course The Truth and Reconciliation Commission established by that visionary Desmond Tutu.
In my mind, a Heaven full of victims who are healed is only part of the victory we are promised. A heaven where God has conquered the hearts of the oppressors/tormentors/bullies and reconciled both groups together is a TOTAL victory. I cannot believe in anything less than a Heaven where victims of Dirlthingamabob are playing pool with him, or having a pint with his soldiers, or just having a huge celebration in the limitless fields of heaven.
Most of us already accept the notion of a literal personal Satan one day coming home (if he exists in such a fashion)…to my mind, God triumphing over the human satans by transforming them into angels is no less grandiose, no less possible, no less necessary. But that road is painful. I pray to God that my own road of reconciliation is shorter.