I just finished reading Thom Stark’s “The Human Faces of God”, a book written against inerrancy. The book utterly destroys inerrancy (I have been one who held to inerrancy for the last 42 years with some reservations). Has anyone read it?
No, but I have heard of it. Tell us a little about it!
I would love to hear more about this book as I am very interested!
You know folks, I don’t think i would recommend it. It’s kind of a faith-buster. I understand discussing issues of errancy, but he goes on in the last few chapters to say how Jesus was wrong when he wrongly predicted the end of the world. He portrays Jesus as simply a guy who was a product of his time and upbringing and though he tries, albeit quite weakly, to uplift the bible in the end, it doesn’t seem like his heart is quite into it. I wouldn’t read it.