And you see God and creation as one?
Are you a pantheist?
Are we God?
Less plausible than plant life sudenly mutating?
The question was why God would want Adam to sin by choice, and simply wind Satan up like a toy soldier (instead of wanting him to make a choice)?
Do you have any thoughts on that Byron (or any new thoughts at all)?
And the passage I quoted says this is the same judgment that the devil fell into (which might also imply that God wanted him to make some choices at some time.)
Well if you have a King James Bible, look up any New Testament passage that speaks of “the foundation of the world,” and then look up the same passage in the Concordant Literal New Testament.
You’ll find that A.E. Knoch’s “Way Cool” Concodant Bible reads “the disruption of the world,” so I guess Knoch and I are blasphemers (even though I don’t recall saying that God was disrupted, I don’t believe He was taken by suprise, and I’m sure Knoch didn’t mean his translation to imply either.)
Why would He ask them to put this new man on if good moral character can be created in an instant (without their co-operation)?
BTW: Are you familiar with an interpretation of the parable of the sheep and the goats (where Jesus says Gehenna was created for the devil and his angels) that takes the sheep to be scattered Jews (or Jewish believers), the goats to be unsympathetic gentile nations, and the devil (or advarsary) to be an anti-semetic “advarsarial nation” (or Empire)?
That was an idea popularized by A.E. Knoch (and I’ve seen variations on it), but I’ve never seen anyone explain who the angels (or messengers) are.
Any thoughts on that Byron?
Could they be anti-semetic nations–but that’s the goats (and/or the devil) isn’t it?
Here’s a thought.
Maybe the devil is the advarsary who tempted Jesus in the desert (and who Paul used as an example of falling into judgment in 1 Tim. 3:6), and maybe his angels are the demons he’s said to be king of.
Is that a thought, or is that just too “traditional” to possibly be true?