It’s been quite interesting for me lately. Though at one time I constantly was studying and trying to prove universal salvation, but I couldn’t find any peace as to it’s truth (meaning I saw the bad fruit associated with it, i.e. the arrogant attitude and almost obsession people have with it, as well as the universalist church of the 19th century eventually transforming into the pluralistic Unitarian Universalists of today) . Also I found that many if not most were turning to it for reasons I thought “sappy” and “emotional” instead of Scriptural and truthful (that is not to tear anyone down, but the “a good God would never do…” argument never impressed me and really makes me cringe today, since obviously a good God sent a world-wide flood according to Scripture). As someone who strongly believes in the Scriptures, I only have ever wanted the truth, I am convinced that all things were made for God’s glory and everything is to be done so as to exalt and magnify Jesus. Since I come from a Spirit-filled background I have great trust in the Spirit’s ability to guide me into all truth.
Here is the issue though, having walked away from universalism about a year ago, I have not yet been able to convince myself of eternal punishment. The arguments of universalism are too Scriptural, the philosophical cohesiveness is persuasive (espeically when united with the testimony of God’s word: His sovereign will and His unlimited atonement). I’m trying to disprove it, but I can’t! The only thing I can settle on is an uneasy annihilationism (which I still may adopt), but even this fails to take into account the full counsel of God. According to Philippians 2:9-11, it glorifies the Father for all to be saved. Honestly I don’t want to adopt universalism, but I feel trapped by the Scriptural weight of it (I know this sounds silly to some of you).
I’ve never been able to fully recover a belief in an eternal hell, most times I just bury my head in the sand and try to forget the clear statements of God’s Word, or the clear refutation of aionios meaning eternal (Romans 16:25-26, 2 Timothy 1:9, Titus 1:2). The reason why I don’t want to believe it is I fear it is the ultimate delusion, a clever trick to lull people into “peace and security” mindset, also I don’t wish to go against the grain of the majority of Christians throughout history and today. It feels like grave error, yet not a single argument seems to disarm the doctrine (once properly understood), every argument weakly fights and fails to disprove it. Most as laughably naive in their arguments against it, not having understood the great weight behind it, how much it makes sense of everything in Scripture. Predestination, grace, love, judgment, holiness, the eternal purpose of God, even the meaning of the Ekklesia.
The only argument I can think of that disproves the salvation of all men is Hebrews 10:26 which basically says for apostacy, “there remains no more sacrifice for sin” but only a fear of fiery judgment and indignation. Now if there is no more sacrifice for sin left, then how can salvation be accomplished? It would mean the blood of Christ is no longer effective, that there is no more hope for that person and so they are burned up (forever or annihilated). Even this verse seems inconclusive since there is much debate about its meaning (it says that willful sin has no more sacrifice, but we all agree that even sins of the will can be forgiven).
So I guess what I’m asking, in a long roundabout way, is what are the most persuasive arguments against universalism? How does someone argue against it from Scripture (without ignorantly assuming their translations and traditions are right)? I know since I am posing this question to those who believe in UR that we’re all in the same boat. But think with me for a moment, no matter how much comfort or secure you feel in this doctrine, if it is wrong then it is indeed the most deceptive and dare-I-say wicked teaching out there, because it gives false hope and represents lies as truth. If there is any way to disprove it then we should and not hesitate to do so, because souls and the name of God Almighty are on the line.