Nowadays an increasing number of young Evangelicals give up their faith and become very resentful atheists.
I think that the three main reasons are:
they are angry on a god who will eternally torture billions of His valuable creatures
they are angry on a god who ordered soldiers to kill babies and pregnant women alike
they have been taught that a literal interpretation of Genesis as history is the only option and realize that this flies in the face of extremely many facts
In this post I want to go into the second reason. I responded to an email from a young atheist who made some remarks on the topic of the (alleged) Canaanite genocide.
I tried to analyze the topics at length in this blogpost.
Given the fact that proponents of eternal hell often quote such texts to show that God is also wrathful, I think that a forum discussion on this is in order.
I would also love to know what you think on my analysis.
Lovely greetings in Christ.