Came to this convo late. Haven’t been on here much of late. So, the week before the election my loving hubby did his best to keep me and the news far apart. He doesn’t like to see me gloomy. He kept telling me it would be okay even if she should happen to win the election. He maintained he believed Trump would end up with the win–which is, in light of her darkness, almost blinding noonday sunshine. I did NOT want to see this nation turn into a third-world dictatorship administrated by a career criminal. Lest you think I’m being hyperbolic, I’m not. I really mean that. The thought of a Hillary Clinton president filled me with dread. I feel better now–but if she HAD won, I would not have smashed the windows of your store or turned your car over or even, really, gotten out the poster-board and the magic markers.
For those of you distraught, don’t be. Don, this election is not going to bring down the USA. Canada is safe.
Qaz, Reaganomics was very good for the economy and did in fact float all boats–or at least all the boats people cared to paddle. I remember; I was there (and I was poor). Welfare as anything more than a stop-gap measure does not help people. It victimizes and disempowers them. The poverty culture is a deep, deep, deep problem which cannot be solved and can only be exacerbated by long-term subsidies. It’s dehumanizing to have no means to support your family, but even given a job, the poor do not tend to know what to do with it. Their culture teaches them that it’s okay to be late, okay not to show for many good reasons (you have no babysitter is a big one), that it’s okay to mouth off to the supervisor because you don’t like her/him (because she wants you to do the job in the way SHE wants it done, because he wants to know if you can’t come to work today, because she needs you to arrange consistent and dependable childcare, etc.), that doing the minimum required ought to put you in the boss’s good graces and so on. Is it their fault that many feel this way? No, not really–but it’s nevertheless a big problem when it comes to holding meaningful and lasting employment. Helping the poor is difficult, and it’s made more difficult by the availability of subsidies. The subsidies are no friend of the poor, since subsidies keep their heads barely above water while denying them motivation to consent to being helped up onto a steamboat where they must expend effort to shovel some coal into the engine, prepare food for the crew, learn to navigate so that one day they may captain their own steamboats and go out to rescue the oft-unwilling poor. I don’t know the answer to the problem of poverty, but in a culture of such abundance, the answer is NOT to throw money at them. They must somehow be inspired to want to support themselves through the means the rest of us use–hard work. If there is no middle class (and Hillary was invested in bankrupting the middle class–she wanted people who need her handouts), then there will be no one to help the poor and nothing for them to aspire to.
One of Trump’s propositions (which you probably didn’t hear about on CBS/NBC/CNN/NYT, etc.) was to provide credits and subsidies for child and elder care so that people who need jobs can reliably show up for work and the cost of care doesn’t cancel out their wages. I and many other evil conservatives applauded that . . . LOUDLY. That would be a very good thing, and I hope Trump will remember he said this.
Trump wants to deport CRIMINAL illegal aliens. For others, he proposed a couple of paths to citizenship–not easy paths, not probably viable paths for us to administer, but I think that the fact he proposed them displays his actual intent toward non-criminal illegal aliens. As for criminal illegals, they prey on their own communities more than on anyone else–and even if they DID only rob, rape and kill unworthies (ie: caucasians), such men still need to be incarcerated and/or deported.
Obamacare is an absolute disaster. Trump has promised to repeal and/or replace it. He says he wants to keep provisions for children to stay on their parents’ insurance plans until their mid-twenties and for protection for those with pre-existing conditions. He wants affordable healthcare for everyone, but in a system that can actually work. Even Bill Clinton says Obamacare is a mess. No one is against affordable healthcare. What we are NOT for is unaffordable insurance that doesn’t pay for healthcare.
Bottom line here to me–I believe that Trump will govern as a fiscal conservative, but socially, will be more to the left of center. He is not the comic book demon he was portrayed as by most of the media. Well-meaning liberals are terrified of a bogie man–a phantom who does not exist. The propaganda arm of the Democratic party (er, I mean the media) is responsible for this caricature and responsible for the pain and terror of illegals, minorities, and so many others. Shame on them.
If anyone is afraid, please be comforted. It’s going to be okay–you’ll see. Just breathe.