Some theists on Dawkin’s forum argued a complex universe needs a complex designer. An atheist replied that a complex designer needs an even more complex designer, and so on ad absurdum.
In turn, I replied: If God exists, God is simple, not complex.
God alone can know what something actually is. Lesser beings at best can only approximately know.
God knows all that can be known. God knows it always, immediately and completely.
Therefore, to God’s infinite mind, God will be perfectly simple.
Therefore, God *is *perfectly simple, since God alone knows what something actually is.
God seems infinitely complex to all lesser beings because, relative to God, we’re thick as two planks.
Feeling quite pleased with myself, I googled “simplicity of God” and discovered the phrase had a completely different meaning to mine. I failed to follow much of the argument, but the gist is this: God isn’t loving, true, beautiful, just, strong, existent etc. This would presuppose a standard separate from God to which God conforms. Rather, God* is* Love, Truth, Beauty, Justice, Strength, Existence etc.
If this is so, the implications are quite stunning. When I “see” a truth (twice two is four), I am in fact “seeing” God with the eyes of my mind. If I love beauty, I would be loving God. To serve God would be identical to serving beauty, truth etc.
It reminds me of a Blake quote posted by Sobornost: "When the sun rises, do you not see a round disc of fire, somewhat like a guinea? Oh! no, no! I see an innumerable company of the heavenly host, crying: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty!’ "
If an atheist rejects God because they feel God is untrue, ugly, unloving, unjust etc, in fact they would be rejecting a false God precisely because they believe in the true God. (ie. they believe in truth, beauty, love etc.)
It also follows that true atheism must be nihilism.