The Evangelical Universalist Forum

The Wrath Of God

The Wrath Of God

The question=

What does the koine katartízō from katá means?

The Answer=

To render i.e to fit, sound, complete.

To mend (what has been broken or rent) to repair.

To repair what has been broken or rent.

To complete.

To fit out, equip, put in order, arrange, adjust.

To fit or frame for one’s self.

To prepare for one’s self.

To strengthen, perfect, complete, make one what he ought to be.

To make one what he aught to be

Are our broadest hopes broad enough? Shall there be a nook or abyss, in all the universe of God, finally unlightened by the Cross? Shall there be a sin, or sorrow, or pain unhealed? Is the very universe, is creation in all its extent, a field wide enough for the Son of God?

Everlasting Destruction

“The Lord knows how to rescue/deliver the godly out of temptation and to reserve the unrighteous unto the day of judgement to be punished…” -2 Peter 2:9-






Kolasis Rooted In Kolazo


  1. To lop or prune, as trees and wings.

  2. To curb, check, restrain.

  3. To chastise. To correct. Punishment .

  4. To cause to be punished.


Alteration that improves: An alteration that removes an error.

Punishment meant to improve: Punishment, especially meant to improve or reform the person punished.

Law treatment of offenders: The system of dealing with criminals by improvement, rehabilitation, parole, probation.

Treatment of a specific defect.

The act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake. Something substituted for an error.

A rebuke for making a mistake.

The act of punishing.

Removing of errors: The removing of errors from something or the indicating of errors in something.

The act or process of correcting.

Something that is substituted or proposed for what is wrong or inaccurate.

Rectification/ modification/ adjustment/ amending.




To set right. To correct.

To purify.

To correct by removing errors.

To adjust.

A quantity applied by way of correcting.

The act or process of correcting.

Something that is substituted or proposed for what is wrong or inaccurate.


To correct something or make something right.

The act of rectifying or the fact of being rectified.

To correct by calculation or adjustment.

To adjust.

To fix/ repair/ remedy/ amend/ correct/ redress/ put to right/ to straighten/ to reform/ to adjust something.

The act of amending, correcting or setting right that which is wrong or erroneous.

“Vessels of wrath fitted to destruction”

Fitted= Katartizo=

To mend what has been broken or rent.

To repair.

To complete/ put in order/ to arrange/ to adjust.

To make one what he aught to be.


“In the Christian story God descends to reascend. He comes down;… down to the very roots and sea-bed of the Nature He has created. But He goes down to come up again and bring the whole ruined world up with Him.” -C.S. Lewis

God Strikes and Then Heals

In Wrath There Is Mercy and Restoration

In the Hebrew Scriptures (the OT) we find clear statements that the outcome of God’s “wrath” and “judging” is healing and mercy.

Continued below>>>>>

God Strikes and Then Heals

Questions Requiring Answers

As we are required to love our enemies, may we not safely infer that God loves His enemies? (Matt. 5:44)

If God loves His enemies, will He punish them more than will be for their good?

Would endless punishment be for the good of any being?

As God loves His friends, if He loves His enemies also, are not all mankind the objects of His love?

If God loves those only who love Him, what better is He than the sinner? (Luke 6:32-33)

As “love thinks no evil,” can God design the ultimate evil of a single soul? (1 Cor. 13:5)

As “love works no ill,” can God inflict, or cause, or allow to be inflicted, an endless ill? (Rom. 13:10)

As we are forbidden to be overcome by evil, can we safely suppose that God will be overcome by evil? (Rom. 12:21)

Would not the infliction of endless punishment prove that God HAD been overcome by evil?

If man does wrong in returning evil for evil, would not God do wrong if He was to do the same?

Would not endless punishment be the return of evil for evil?

As we are commanded “to overcome evil with good,” may we not safely infer that God will do the same? (Rom. 12:21)

Would the infliction of endless punishment be overcoming evil with good?

If God hates the sinner, does the sinner do wrong in hating Him?

Is God a changeable being? (James 1:17)

If God loves His enemies now, will he not always love them?

Is it just for God to be “kind to the evil and unthankful,” in their present life? (Luke 6:35)

Would it be unjust for God to be kind to all men in a future state?

-Questions requiring answers by A.C. Thomas-

An excerpt from “Revisiting the Wrath of God” by Richard Murray:

So what are we make of the term “the wrath of God?” At first blush, all have presumed that “the wrath of God” describes wrath coming FROM God TOWARD man. This presumes the word “of” is an OBJECTIVE GENITIVE. But, did you know that an alternate Greek reading of the “the wrath of God” describes wrath coming FROM man TOWARD God? This would treat the word “of” as a SUBJECTIVE GENITIVE. The Greek language allows for the word “of” to describe both the action “toward” a noun as well as the action “from” a noun. For instance, the term “the fear of God” describes man’s awe TOWARD God, NOT God’s awe FROM Himself. “Of” here is an OBJECTIVE GENITIVE. In contrast, the term “the faith of Abraham” describes faith POSSESSED BY Abraham, and NOT our faith TOWARD Abraham. “Of” here is a SUBJECTIVE GENITIVE.

Let me give another example. The term “the blasphemy of the Spirit” describes man committing an act of blasphemy TOWARD the Holy Spirit, not Blasphemy FROM the Holy Spirit, which means “of” here is being used as an OBJECTIVE GENITIVE. Conversely, the term “the coming of the Son of Man” refers “to the coming” being FROM Jesus and not to somebody else coming TOWARD Jesus, which means “of” here is being treated a SUBJECTIVE GENITIVE.

We must be led by the Spirit when choosing our genitives….

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The Judgment of God -John Gavazonni-

I dare say that, for the average person, the thought of facing the judgment of God is not a pleasant one. Even with those who, by their own estimation, expect to be greeted with glowing commendation by the One who has the final say as to the worth of our works, beneath their facade of self-righteousness, lies an insecurity that drives their attempts at self-assurance: create said facade so it, in effect, will speak back to them, “see all the good things you have amassed; they prove you’re a good person whose goodness will be recognized by God.” It’s the constant pressure of keeping such insecurity suppressed that made the Pharisees of old, and makes the contemporary versions, so really miserable and unattractive.>>>>

The Judgment of God