I could not help notice that many Universal Salvation believers completely disidentify with the whole organized Church, believing that the church systems have been corrupted beyond repair and needs to be started over again. The major restorationist groups I can think of offhand are the Jehovahs Witnesses, mormons, Seventh Day Adventists and Christaphidelians. Most identified Restorationist groups typically reject the popular doctrine of Hell in favor of annihilationism or post mortem repentance(mormonism), and some reject the doctrine of the trinity. Typically, I have noticed that there is a belief that after the Apostolic times, the Churches became too influenced by the surrounding cultures, worldly politics and Greek Philosophy. I have found that there are Universalists on both sides who believe that the whole church systems are beyond repair, and others who believe that the Churches have done well in upholding orthodoxy. Then I have seen different perspectives where some believe that UR is a necessary doctrine and ET is a serious heresy. Others have treated UR as a personal belief but dont condemn ET as a heresy.
Myself personally, I dont see the Church systems as necessarily evil, though I am a bit more cautious with Evangelical Christianity, since they are a major headquarter today for Fundamentalist movements. Though I know that Fundamentalism is in every denomination. I know there is often some interchangeable usage of the term Fundamentalism and legalism, where some see Fundamentalist as an incorrect term.