The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Universalist themes in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Amen, Dean! Yes, the Spirit of God is alive and active, and prophets walk the earth and are often found in unlikely places. :sunglasses:


Matt (other Matt :smiley:)

I’d just like to echo what Dean and Sonia have said. Your latest post on this thread is one of the most moving pieces of testimony - one of the most moving pieces of writing, period - I’ve read in a very long time.

Please don’t worry about how much you have or haven’t read. There are many many supposedly highly religious people who’ve dissected the scriptures endlessly with a fine tooth comb, and not allowed a single iota of its teaching to really infuse their souls - think of the Pharisees, for a start. And don’t forget, Matt, who Jesus chose for his disciples. They weren’t intellectual, book learning types. They were ordinary, working-class, blue collar guys. I dare say if Jesus was selecting disciples today he wouldn’t start looking on Wall Street, he’d be down the local trailer park talking to truck drivers and builders and fishermen. And yes, janitors. :smiley:

The Bible’s primary, overriding function is as a signpost to the Living Word Himself, Jesus Christ. And Matt, if you don’t mind me saying so, IMHO you have the true heart of Jesus. George MacDonald would be proud of you - and that’s about the highest praise I can bestow on any brother or sister in Christ. :smiley:

Thank you so much for having the courage to bare your soul in a way most of us will never have the guts to do. Seeing how EU transforms people’s lives and hearts as it has done yours (and believe it or not, it is - albeit slowly! - also transforming mine :slight_smile: ) only makes me believe more firmly that it is true. By their fruit shall ye know them and all that.

All the best



Just wanted to thank you guys (Jaxxen, Dean, Sonia, and Johnny) for your gracious and kind words and for helping me to feel as though I’m not a nothing. :slight_smile: It amazes me that God would work through a broken, messed up person like me, through my words or actions, to make any kind of positive difference in the lives of others, whether via the internet or in real life. :slight_smile:

Jaxxen: Thank you again, bro, and even though we disagree on certain things, I’m glad you decided to check out the EU forum, because it’s been a blessing making your acquaintance. :slight_smile:

Dean: I wouldn’t say what I wrote is comparable to Scripture :blush: But if it encouraged you, I’m glad for that. :slight_smile:

Sonia: Are you saying I’m a prophet, Sonia? :wink: I don’t know, I think I’m just a guy trying to speak from his heart. :slight_smile:

Johnny: Thank you very much, Johnny :slight_smile: I’m glad that what I said moved your heart :slight_smile:
And that really means a lot to me, the thought that Jesus would call on a mediocre mess like me to follow Him, stumbling along as much as I do… only instead of dropping my nets I’d be dropping my mop :laughing:
Thank you for your encouragement :slight_smile: I believe I am light years away from having a heart as pure or as full of love as Jesus’ (walk in my shoes for a few days, and you’d find out how flawed and fallible I am), but I hope that as time goes on, this busted up heart of mine will become more and more like Jesus’ :slight_smile:
And thank you for the compliment, bro :slight_smile: I’m honored :slight_smile:

And you’re welcome :slight_smile: I try to be as honest and open as I can be. :slight_smile: Yeah, I feel like UR is effecting me in a lot of ways… it’s a little scary, all the changes I’m going through, and so quickly, and while still wrestling with all of my usual weaknesses, such as lust, anger, pride, and apathy, but my hope is that these changes and struggles are the birthing pains of a richer and fuller and more abundant life, like the one Jesus promised. :slight_smile:

Blessings to you bro :slight_smile:

And everyone who’s reading this, pretty soon I’m planning on starting a new thread, maybe entitled something like
‘Is God A Monster, Or Can We Really Trust Him?’ Jaxxen had mentioned in a PM message about my starting something along those lines, so I might give it a go. :slight_smile: Not sure when I will, but keep your eyes out for it. :slight_smile:

I don’t know – maybe. :sunglasses: Prophets are just guys – gifted in a special way at communicating the word God puts in their hearts. Just keep humbly saying and doing what’s good and right – that’s what matters.


Hi Matt

Whatever you are, my dear brother in Christ, you are most definitely NOT a nothing. Never forget that you are one of God’s beloved children. :slight_smile:

You say:

Well, Matt, for reasons that are sometimes difficult for us to see, God seems to like working through broken, messed up people. Maybe that’s because when He looked around for some perfect people to work through, He saw that there weren’t any. So He just had to work with what He had - broken, messed up people like me and you and David and Peter and Paul and all the other people He has always worked through.

I’ve recently started doing a little bit of preaching in my church, when my father, who is the lay pastor, is away or ill. And I am always overwhelmed when folk come up to me afterwards and say that they’ve been blessed by my words. Because I know that I am such a failure, and if only they could see inside me they’d know that. But of course, it isn’t me who speaks, it is God speaking through me, using me. Now I firmly believe God uses **all **his children in ways we often don’t comprehend, to connect us all, or bless us, or give us insights.

Living as I do in England, a deeply secular country, where there is a ‘presumption of atheism’ which seems all-encompassing at times, the fellowship I have gained from being a member of this forum is invaluable. There’s nothing like meeting up with our brothers and sisters face-to-face, but we can’t always do that all the time, so t’interweb is as good a place as any for us to bless each other. :smiley:

I *know *God is not a monster (and I know *you *know that too :slight_smile: ), but I look forward to your forthcoming thread on that issue.

All the best



Matt, I’d be sorry if you left us because your participationon the forum has been really helpful. It is important to have people in the conversation who are coming at things from a different angle. And the words above show that you have a generous, mature spirit. Thanks :slight_smile:

Sonia: Thanks for the encouragement :slight_smile:

Johnny: Thanks bro :slight_smile: And you’re right… it’s not like there’s any perfect people around for God to work with :laughing:

Yeah, it is amazing when you find that something you’ve said or have done has actually impacted someone in a positive way… maybe it’s nothing big… maybe it just encouraged them a little, helped them out a bit, made them smile, helped them to feel better, more hopeful, less alone, at least for the moment, gave them a bit of wisdom to hold to, or courage for the day, made them believe in God a little more, or at least believe in love a little more, believe that life may be worth living after all, a little bit more… or something like that. :slight_smile:

But however little the good we say or do may seem to stick or make a lasting difference, I still believe that our little words and our little actions can be used for the good, to make the world just a little bit better… maybe through our awkward and haphazard and mostly mediocre attempts at following Christ, through what we say and what we do, a little more light will come into the world. :slight_smile: And that’s something to be thankful for. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m thankful for the internet. :slight_smile: It’s a great way to connect with many people whom you otherwise wouldn’t be able to connect with. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I hope to get around to starting that thread eventually. :slight_smile:

Blessings to you, bro :slight_smile:


I concur with Andrew :slight_smile: