The Evangelical Universalist Forum

Was Pascal a Christian Universalist?

, under Universal Salvation? heading, a lecturer"]Pascal: Christ remaining on the Cross until the last soul has acknowledged him
That prompted me to google the phrase but only could find:

, Blaise Pascal (1623–1662)"]Jesus Christ for all, Moses for a nation. 64

The Jews blessed in Abraham: “I will bless those that bless thee.” But: “All nations blessed in his seed.” Parum est ut, &c. 65

Lumen ad revelationem gentium. 21 66

Non fecit taliter omni nationi, 22 said David, in speaking of the Law. But, in speaking of Jesus Christ, we must say: Fecit taliter omni nationi. Parum est ut, &c., Isaiah. So it belongs to Jesus Christ to be universal. Even the Church offers sacrifice only for the faithful. Jesus Christ offered that of the cross for all.(Source The Harvard Classics. 1909–14. Section XII Proofs of Jesus Christ)

Tantalising… googling it some more, it looks like UUs like to quote him (& he had a RCC background), so that might be a clue… please let me know if you have more luck finding something more concrete?

That would be deliciously funny – my (sad about it but persuaded) infernalist friends named their little boy Blaise. :laughing:
