Craziness I agree it complicates things.
Having all sorts of different interpretations is acceptable; but believing God is a good Guy is blasphemy.
I do wonder why they found out so late. To me it seems that parents who almost call off a wedding over religious matters discuss religion quite often.
It is sad that they are not close enough to have already discussed this, long before the wedding date.
Yeah, as I said on FaceBook, I’m surprised the bride didn’t decide to call off the wedding because of the overreaction to UR!
You know, having thought about this a bit since you posted this on Facebook, I have to wonder what’s up with the groom… If he thought his partner was worth marrying, then he needed to gather his testicles together, explain and defend her beliefs, tell his gnostic-cultist family members to grow up, and if necessary, walk away from them. As Sherman said, this process should’ve happened years ago. We’re talking about UR here – a pretty tame and tolerable idea, as far as historical orthodoxy goes. If that cannot be borne, I’m pretty sure they’d be horrified by any idea they disagreed with. And even if they do/did get married, you simply cannot have such asinine and schismatic attitudes driving a wedge between their relationship – ultimately, they will totally destroy it. That’s my two cents anyway.
It could be a lot worse…
grace _4 said:
Read this quickly and the last bit caught the blurry bit of my glasses - I read it as… ‘Please help me find wedding partner’!
Thought you might be leaving it a bit late.
Can’t help withe the Planner but hope it all comes together. God bless.