Hi, Pilgrim
Thanks for your kind words. God is so good to let me hear His voice in my heart, and it’s wonderful to know that you also hear Him. It seems really difficult for a lot of people (and for me for so many years). I know most of us aren’t taught how to do this in church. At least I know I never was. Maybe part of this IS the onus on paying attention to feelings.
It seems to me that God gave us many important faculties to use both in getting around and serving one another in this world and also in relating to Him. Maybe the tendency of the modern world (not so much maybe the post-modern folks) to reject emotions as weak and subjective and untrustworthy, cripples us more than we know. I know I was taught this, even in the AOG and WOF (Word of Faith – Kenneth Hagen) churches I attended for a long time. It isn’t about feelings; trust the word, etc. And that’s true enough as far as it goes, but just because feelings are a different sort of indicator from intellect doesn’t mean we can do without paying attention to them. Balance! That’s the thing.
I used to have a balance beam. My dad and I made it together, and as this was pre-internet we didn’t really know what it was supposed to look like, so it was a bit . . . eccentric. But it was beautiful; rounded on the sides, lovely wood. Anyway, I discovered that I had to keep my eyes on the direction in which I was going and just let my body keep me on the beam. I don’t know what faculties I was using; probably all of them – as long as I kept my eyes ahead. If you looked down to where you wanted to put your feet (the logical thing to do, seemingly), it would send you wobbling every time. Maybe that’s a good analogy for us; to keep our eyes on Jesus and pay attention to ALL our senses instead of incorrectly honoring one above another.