Do we? Is it proper, ‘right’, respectful, worshipful - for us to consider Jesus our friend? Can we think of that friendship as even deeper than the friendships we have with others, or must we make the ‘analogical move’ and say that our friendships are just an analogue of our relationship to Jesus (which makes him less approachable than our other friends?).
How familiar, in other words, can we be with him, as a Friend?
I should imagine Dave that such would be purely subjective according to how one perceives Jesus to be for them.
I know what you’re saying, Davo - but is that the way we are with our visible friends? Are they only projections, or unknown nuomena that we can only understand in terms of ourselves?
How we view “friends” and by the very nature things, positively so, is indeed according to our view of our world that invariably revolves around us.
Yeah, the ‘how’ is the interesting part. Many of us can parrot a doctrinal stance - but ‘how’ we hold, approach, feel about those beliefs- that’s the good stuff that, when shared can, indeed make ‘friends’.
I speak of the category ‘friend’ because many of the other images of God do not resonate with me as part of a certain culture. I do not know the awe of being in the Presence of a great king - Majesty, Power - I’ve read about it, thinking LOTR - but don’t really know it. I also don’t know any shepherds. I can only imagine a shepherd . I did not have much of a father figure, so calling God Father does not come with a warm and fuzzy feeling, or with a feeling of loving obedience. Those are all great Images, but some are from long ago, and must be imagined rather than experienced.
‘Friend’ otoh is near-to-hand. I know a bit about relying, trusting, standing with, being faithful to, liking and loving my friends over the years. I’ve also been enchanted with Rumi’s poetry and his love of the Friend.
There are many images that are too high for me, in other words - but Elder Brother, and Friend - I’m thinking more about those concepts and seeing their value.
I consider Christ like an icon and friend. When He’s not at the center things get out of balance for me. I’ve had many icons and idols. From poets, artists, rock star musicians like Metallica, writers, even drugs and alcohol have become idols for me. I worship what I love the most. It’s what my life revolves around. Here’s how the Christian mystic Richard Rohr puts it:
Dave, I think having a friend in Jesus is coming to recognize and love the spirit of our Creator that is inside of us. In this way, we love God and we love ourselves. I would say that this is the foundation of any true relationship. Is it possible to love someone else without loving God and ourselves first? Some say it is, but I don’t think so.