I’m very bad for getting interested in a book and only reading 1/4 to 1/2 of the way through before getting distracted by another one, and my interests are VERY wide, so this list may look weird. Be forewarned.
Here are my recent completions and in-progresses:
- (finished) Cry of Justice (interesting that JP started this thread!)–definitely the best fantasy I’ve read in a while, and overall in my mind it’s just behind stuff like Lewis’ “Space Trilogy” (which I REALLY love). It was a little slow to begin, but I got the feeling JP may have been testing me a little to see how badly I wanted it, so I kept plowing through. I was on vacation, so I didn’t have much to do.
Anyway, a few (short) chapters in, I was HOOKED through the gills, and I couldn’t put it down. It reminded me of what I heard JP say here at some point, that the Incarnation would have been necessary at some point even in an unfallen world. (Trying not to give spoilers away, here, but that’s difficult to do)
One of the characters seems a little messianic, and I even got some insight into the Bridegroom’s relationship to His Bride…and of the course the epic battle sequences and LOTR-type (sorry JP!
) setting and action are great. Suffice to say I can’t wait for my boys to get old enough to share this with them.
- (in progress) Raising Hell, Julie Ferwerda
- (in progress) Discovering the Character of God, George MacDonald, ed Michael Phillips (thanks for the loan, AaronK!)
- (in progress) Terminator and Philosophy. VERY interesting! I can’t believe there’s a book that combines my love of the Terminator storyline and philosophy! amazon.com/Terminator-Philos … 486&sr=8-1
- (finished) Peter Hiett’s 150-page pdf, “All Things New.” Really helped connect the dots for me between OT references to punishment/judgment, God’s character/work as a purifying fire, and the age to come. Maybe it’s worth adding to the resources we recommend? I really liked it. tsdowntown.com/page/a-fresh- … l-and-gods His sermon podcasts are awesome, too, for those of you (like me) who don’t have a UR-friendly church service to go to locally.
Those are just off the top of my head. I have some others I’m reading for work, but they’re not handy right now, and I don’t want to misquote something, so those will have to wait for another time…