When we have received really difficult news in life usually I can look back and see that I have had a peace that passes understanding during that time. I think that is because I know the surprises life throws at me are not surprises to God. I can have know that God WILL bring good from the situation. I can know that God does know what is best and can easily change the situation whenever he wants, and that gives me so much peace.
We have also felt free to do some things in life where people would say we are really taking some big risks and going out on a limb. We felt these were good and right things to do and if God is for us who can be against us!
I think God is working on helping me to live a life free of guilt and doubt that I often have because of my UR beliefs and uncertainty if it really is the truth. I really think that he will bring that about if I spend enough time meditating on and memorizing his word. There are many promises and stories in the Bible that can assure me that God does love a person with weak faith who is seeking him.
I also don’t believe we would be where we are financially if it weren’t for our faith. We are confident that all we own is God’s and we are just stewards of his stuff. It has made us cheerful givers and it has helped us put money in the proper perspective when unexpected expenses have come along for us. We are not Dave Ramsey obsessed (never read any of his books or taken his class), but we are semi familiar with his advice and a lot of it we have just very naturally and easily followed because when you believe all you own is not yours but God’s. . . well you tend to take a lot better care of your finances while at the same time not being as quick to make money an idol.
So to sum it up- disappointments in life are a lot less disappointing, following my desires (no matter how crazy) if I believe those desires are given by God is a lot more exciting and easy to jump into, money does not tell me what to do- I tell it what to do (not that I have a WHOLE lot to boss around). And as I study his word I am praying for peace about my weak faith and strength for more faith because I think that will result in more changes in my life. I want to be a better ambassador for him while on this earth and sadly I let my wrestling with doubts get in the way of that.