Actually, my comment had less to do with your actual statement than what your perceived point would be taken as.
For instance…
You used the word ‘was’ and I assume that you really mean this as said. This is different than using the word ‘is’ and I think you kind of hit on it with Dave earlier.
My problem, (and this kind of goes to what Dave was asking you) is the perceived idea that believing in Jesus here and now somehow alters ones position with God (as related to sin) in the here and now.
I witnessed a short time ago an 8 year old boy (who’s grandfather by the way is a baptist preacher) say a blessing over a meal and he asked Jesus to forgive his sins. 8 years old. One of the saddest things I’ve ever heard.
So in other words, from my view, one can believe what Jesus did (what his life and death stood for) but does not have to believe in Jesus to receive said benefits. Now I do realize and agree that following Jesus’ way of living does have benefits (you could call them blessings) but I think it is safe to say that others from other cultural backgrounds could have the same blessings and not really know of Jesus.
And I realize you may well might or might not be saying the same thing but the urge to comment was with me.