The Evangelical Universalist Forum

What Jesus' Death Does For Us

I’ve attached (!AlV7kK_BTCsxgcc2YWceg47VqrbjRA) my five page summary of N.T. Wright’s stimulating atonement interpretation (“What Jesus’ Death Does For Us”). It seeks to concisely present what I saw as the highlights of his argument in his recent volume, “The Day the Revolution Began.”

As always, I welcome your questions and critiques.

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Thanks for posting, Bob. I’m about 1/3 of the way through a re-reading of his “Jesus and the Victory of God”. I will read your summary before going any further.

That’s great. This is bound to be dumbed down compared to Jesus and the Victory of God, as well as be colored by my own views as well as Wright’s latest take on the cross. But my hope is to make his view available to those who’d never read his bigger work on the atonement.

I can’t think of anything you publish that is ‘dumbed down’ but I catch your drift.

Wonderful job, Bob!! Thanks for taking the time to do that.

The whole paper reminds me of a great word: GOSPEL. What you summarized sounds like Gospel to me!!

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He is not.

Thanks Qaz, I was partly thinking of your interest in this topic when I decided to summarize Wright’s view. He appears to think attacking ‘penal substitution by name’ is unwise, but his whole book appears to be a refutation of it, and offering an alternative that seems to include elements of Christus Victor and the Subjective Atonement interpretations.

Son of God, not Man. :slight_smile:

No problem. I do want to reiterate that the book is scholarly and long. You might want to look through the table of contents and find particular areas of interest first, then wade into the entire, most fascinating book from the beginning.