The Evangelical Universalist Forum

When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatur

When you reach the age of reason, will you reject supernatural religion?

Or will you seek a moral religion to replace the immoral one you now follow, if you happen to be Christian or Muslim?

Or will you let your faith hide the truth of the immorality of your God?

Martin Luther.
“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”
“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”


Your questions raise more questions. Like:

What is the age of reason? A physical age, like 14 years old - for example? Or an era (i.e. the enlightenment)?
What is a moral religion and what is an immoral one?
Can you give an example, of a moral religion?

We might have to run - to see the answers :laughing:

In my latest experiment, I crossed a Zombie head with a sheep body. What does Dr. Frankenstein have, that I don’t :question: :laughing:

I do not think there is a particular age for reason to be developed by a mind.

Some children are more with it than their parents.

As to morality, you might have noted, if you have a decent moral sense, that our mainstream religions, like Christianity and Islam have both developed into intolerant, homophobic and misogynous religions that do not grant all people equality.


Having reached the age of reason, I realized reason was supernatural, so nope: still logically accepting supernatural religion, and trinitarian Christian theism more specifically.

Also having reached the age of reason many decades ago, I don’t post totally off-topic posts in the most popular forum in order to get hits, thus abusing my putative membership in a group, which is trollish behavior. (I’ve moved the thread to “Philosophy” which seems the most pertinent category.)

You’ve been warned about this and other things before, and you’re clearly going to keep doing it. Your time exploiting the patience of the ad/mods is somewhat-randomly finished, and your membership will be revoked. Go find somewhere else to troll.

(GB’s posts will be retained, as usual, so as not to make threads gibberish by removing his comments from the context. Be aware that he won’t be able to reply anymore however.)

Do you agree with Martin Luther, a great Christian to many.

Martin Luther.
“Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.”
“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.”

If your reply above is sound, then obviously, Martin Luther and possibly his church, are saying that the supernatural is the worst enemy of faith. No?


You like to silence your betters.


I like to silence trolls who exploit forum membership to promote their own agendas in off-topic areas that happen to have the most traffic. Whether they’re better than me or not is irrelevant, although in my experience they certainly think that highly of themselves one hundred percent of the time. (They also tend not to notice that I don’t delete their posts, although I could easily do so.)

Banned again, a little more thoroughly this time.

Also no, I don’t agree with Martin Luther on that quote among some other things. I gather that many Lutherans don’t agree with him on that either.

At least GB is with us in spirit :smiley: